
587 25 1

January 9th, 2021


Today I was taking Ally to the OBGYN for her first ultrasound. She's officially two months along in this pregnancy and it's about the right time to get one.

Before we walked into the building, she stopped at the curb to adjust Liam's mask after she took him out of the car. I had snapped a picture of them together, without her knowing it. I was planning on posting it sometime soon because it's almost that time to start acknowledging our little family.

She had on a black bubble coat, with black athletic leggings and white low top Air Force ones on. Her hair was up in a bun to complete the look. Liam was sitting on her left hip with a similar coat on. He had on blue jeans and some Vans. He also wore a blue Sixers beanie with a puff ball on it.

In the picture, you could see Ally's engagement ring on full display from the way she was holding Liam; her left hand holding him up while her right hand pulled up the nose of his mask. I just know the media is going to have a field day with that picture once I post it.

Wait till they find out she's pregnant.

We walked into the building with her hand laced in mine and Liam on my right hip. I decided to carry him because it takes some weight off of her.

"How can I help you today?" The lady behind the desk asks.

"My name is Ally James," Simmons. "I have an appointment with Doctor Lee today."

The lady types something in the computer before telling us what floor to go to. We walk over to the elevator and she presses the floor when we get inside.

"Ally James." I mimic her.

"Shut up Ben." She says.

I pull her into me, tapping her hip with my free hand.

"It's alright babe. I think you sound adorable." I grin beneath my mask.

She shakes her head at me as I look down at her.

She's having my babies and I'm marrying her? That's a win-win.

Once we get to the floor, she leads me out of the elevator.

"Go sit over there." She nods toward the waiting room.

I walk over there and take a seat, sitting Liam on my lap. He lays his head against my chest as I undo his coat to give him some air.

"Is that better bub?" I ask him after taking it off of him.

I'm sure he's not a big fan of the mask, but what can we do about that?

Ally joins us in the waiting room, sitting next to me with a clipboard in her hand.

"I don't know why I have to do this every time I come here." She grumbles.

I watch her fill out her name and date of birth. As well as information regarding previous pregnancies, menstrual cycles, health issues, and what she's here for today.

After she does that, she goes to take it to the desk then comes and sits back down next to me. She takes off her coat and crosses her left leg over her right. I couldn't tell if she was nervous or not, but if she was she probably wouldn't say.

"Are you nervous?" I ask.

"Not at all." She mumbled.

"You can't fool me Ally." I look down at her.

She wraps her arms around my left arm, laying her head on my bicep.

"Mmm." I tap her knee with my left hand. "You're gonna be okay."

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