
432 23 2

January 12th, 2022


I watch Ally lean against the headboard, feeding Karlie her bottle. She must've been on FaceTime with me on her laptop.

Am I on the laptop?
You prefer your laptop over your phone now?
Sometimes. Like when I'm doing this, the laptop definitely comes in handy.

She grins.

It's been four days since Liam's little fit.
How has he been since then?
Very chill and lowkey. He spends that time playing with his dinosaurs, if your game isn't on TV.
He watches the games?
Sometimes. He doesn't understand what's going on, but he sees you on the TV and he starts smiling.
Aww, he loves his daddy.
Of course he does.
That doesn't stop me from wanting to give you a girl though.
We have one right here.
She's going to be a daddy's girl too, so don't worry about that.

She gapes at me as I chuckle.

You can't corrupt both of our girls.
I sure can.
That's not fair.
Life ain't fair.

She shakes her head at me.

When are you coming home?
I'll be home on the 26th.
That's fourteen days away.
I'm glad you're keeping count.
What I tell you about calling me that?
It's your name, get over it.
You're lucky I love you.
You're not scaring anyone, Ben.
That's what you say now.
I take that as a challenge.
Take it however you like baby.

She sucks her teeth and I chuckle again.

So I was looking into that venue where we want to have our reception.
We have to put a deposit down on it by next week in order to secure that space.
Okay. You know my information.
It's a $450 deposit, Ben.
Weddings aren't cheap, Ally.
I know.
So what's the problem?

She sighs.

Did you think all of this was going to be free?
Then why the long face?
I just don't want you paying for all of it.
Well now that you mention it, it's really the parents who are supposed to pay for it.
That is true.
But I truly do not have a problem with paying for everything. Like I said, whatever you want, you can have it.
Don't give me that.

She exhales a deep breath.

Can we at least split it so you don't have to? You're already paying for the honeymoon as is, and that alone is not cheap.
We can split it if that's what you want.
Put that $450 deposit down though. I better see it on my statement by tomorrow afternoon.
I'm serious Ally.

She giggles.

I will.
Anything else you want to tell me about?
The church approved of our date, so that's done.
Okay, good.
I haven't picked out my dress yet.
Why haven't you done that?
I also want my mom to help me with that. I can't decide which style I want.
Go with what defines you.

She nods at that.

What about you and those rings sir?
I'm still working on it.
I am.
I believe you.
No you don't.
You're right, I don't.

I roll my eyes as she grins.

What else is on the agenda?
I'll ask my mother and get back to you on that.
Can you hurry up and come home though? I miss you, a lot.
Motherhood becoming too much?
You don't know the half of it.

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