
551 19 5

September 2nd, 2021


Ryder is two weeks old, Liam is 18 months, and Jasmine is 24 weeks along in her pregnancy. I only know this because Ally is keeping tabs on it and tells me everything. Also, it's Ally's 25th Birthday today. She claims that she's too tired to do anything, but I know that's bullshit. I arranged a brunch for her and three friends, that way she'd have something to do.

"Are you sure you're okay being home with the boys by yourself? I know it can be a little bit of a handful." She said.

"I'm good Ally. You go out and have fun." I grin.

She pouts and I lean down to kiss her lips. While I'm pulling away, I take Ryder from her arms.

"Will you promise me you'll enjoy yourself?" I say.

"Yes." She mumbles.

"Good." I exclaim.

She sighs, walking to the front door.

"Call me if you need anything." She said.

"I got it all under control babe. Go have fun." I hold the door open as she leaves.

I watch as she gets into her Range Rover, waving at me as she pulls out of the driveway. I then close the door when she turns down the street.

"Alright, what do I do first?" I say.

"Dada." Liam exclaims.

"Yes buddy?" I look down at him.

He points up at the island counter.

"You want some fruit snacks?" I ask him.

He nods. I grab him the small pack of Welch's Fruit Snacks, opening it with one hand. Then I hand it to him, along with his sippy cup of Apple Juice.

"Don't make a mess." I say, watching him walk back into the living room.

I try not to let him out of my sight because he knows how to cause mischief, but it's expected from a toddler. I've been told that the Terrible Twos is exactly that. Terrible. I don't think I'm ready for it.

I decide to call Nate and Tahj over. They've been really helpful when it comes to Liam, among other things.

"What's the trouble?" Nate asks.

"I need you guys to keep an eye on Liam for a second. I have to change Ryder's poopy diaper." I say.

They nod. I head upstairs to his nursery, placing him down on the changing station. He whimpers a little.

"Alright Ry, I'm moving." I say. Changing diapers is not my thing, but I will do the best I can.

Right when I'm done, Ally calls. I answer on the second ring, pressing the phone between my ear and shoulder.

B: What's up?
A: How's everything going?
B: I just finished changing his diaper. I'm about to feed him.
A: Make sure to only give him 8 ounces of formula.

She's not breast feeding this time around. She said it makes her boobs hurt.

B: Okay, I got it. Did you get there?
A: Yes, I'm here.
B: Good.
A: Are you sure you got everything handled? I can come back.
B: I got it babe, I swear I do.

She sighs. At this point I'm washing my hands in the sink. After that, I'm picking up Ryder and taking him downstairs to feed him.

A: Remember to burp him after. At least ten to fifteen pats on his back until you hear him burp. Put a towel over your shoulder in case he spits up. Baby vomit is hard to get out of your clothes.
B: Alright.
A: Put him down for a nap at 1:00, and make sure Liam takes a nap as well.
B: Okay.

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