
462 20 2

May 26th, 2021


Ben is currently in playoff mode, and I'm 28 weeks pregnant. I have swollen feet, backaches, and a soccer playing baby. Liam kicked me like he was in a soccer match too, so this isn't really anything new to me. But it's probably the coolest and most annoying thing about being pregnant.

I tap the baby's foot and it moves away. Then they press their foot somewhere else and I sigh, giving up. Sometimes they'll press against the rib cage and I'll refuse to move. Liam used to do that, where he would settle somewhere in my rib cage. He'll even go to sleep there.

"Babies are con artists." I exclaim.

"Why do you say that?" Jasmine asked.

"They raise hell in the womb for the last few months, then they come out acting like they did nothing wrong." I express. "Something a con artist would do."

"Once they hit a particular age in childhood, they're right back to raising hell."

She laughs at my explanation, but it's the truth. They're cute when they're tiny. As they get older and discover the leverage they have over you, they play you big time.

"Are you sure you want to wait til birth to find out the gender?" She asks me.

"Yes, I do." I answer.


"We already picked out a gender neutral nursery." I say.

"Did you think of any gender neutral names or names for either gender?" She asked, putting a grape into her mouth.

"We did actually." I rub my belly.

"Can I know?"


"Booo." She exclaims as I giggle. "Bad customer service."

I laugh as she grins.

"What about photo shoots? Have you guys thought of doing one?" She sips her water.

"Yeah." I say. "Ben wants to do it closer to the due date. So when I'm like 35 weeks along in the pregnancy. It'll be the week before his birthday. That's as close as we're getting."

"Awww. I'm so excited to see them then." She smiles. "I think I'm even more excited to meet the baby."

"I am too." I say.

"Any idea of what you guys are going to do for Ben's birthday?"

I shake my head. "Not a clue."

"Where you might want to go to honey moon?"


"When and where your wedding will be?"

"Nope and nope."

"Seems like you have a lot on your plate." She said.

"I do, actually. But like I told Ben, I'm taking it one step at a time. There's no need to rush anything." I say.

"Interesting take on things." She said. "I like that idea."

I nod.

"If it helps, we've started on the nursery. So far the only thing that's done is the paint, but the furniture is on its way." I shrug.

"I've never had a baby, so I don't know how any of this is supposed to work. But I think I'll trust you to make those decisions for me." She grinned.

"I appreciate you trusting me to help you and your non-existent baby." I grin back.

"Who said it was non-existent?" She asked.

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