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One week later...
December 21st, 2021


Jasmine is due any day now. I've been spending time with her at her apartment and have been helping her get ready for the delivery. Ben is currently at home with the boys. The Sixers have a four game home stand, so I'm grateful for his presence right now.

Ryder is 4 months old and making noise for our attention. He reminds me of Liam when he was three months old. Speaking of Liam, my baby boy is about to be 22 months old. He's on his way to being a two year old and I am not ready for it.

Time seriously needs to slow down.

"Ally?" Jasmine exclaims, walking out of her bedroom.

I turn around. "What's up?"

"There's something wet running down my leg and I don't know what it is." She says.

My eyes widen as I realize she's going into labor.

"She's coming." I say.

"Now?" She asks incredulously.

"Yes now." I stand up off the couch, grabbing what we need. "Come on."

As I continue grabbing our belongings, Jasmine wobbles around trying to find her shoes. She slips them on as fast as she can, then follows me out the door. I lock it behind us and carefully guide her to the car.

The ride to the hospital is silent, but I glance at her from time to time to make sure she's okay.

"Thank you for being here with me Ally." She said.

I smile, grabbing her hand. "No problem."

"I've been thinking a lot lately, and I feel like you're more qualified to be a mom than I am." She says.

I look between her and the road. "What are you saying Jaz?"

She looks at me. "Will you take her for me?"

I don't know what to say to that. I never got around to asking her for the kid, but in actuality, I was waiting for her to say it herself.

"I just don't know how I feel about her being in the system and them not finding her a family." She said. "But I know she'll be in safe hands if she's with you."

My heart is imploding in my chest right now. I'm excited and nervous.

My breaths come out short. "Of-Of course."

"I know you just had Ryder and all, but you're the only one I trust with her." She said, rubbing her stomach.

I smile, nodding. "Yes Jasmine. I can do that for you."

"Thank you Ally."

"It's not a problem."

This is really happening.

* * *

After getting Jasmine checked in to the hospital, we just sat around waiting. Baby girl hasn't made a move in a minute, but the contractions are too close for her to not be on her way out.

"I hate this." Jasmine exclaims, staring up at the ceiling with her hands on her stomach. Then she looks down and rubs it. "I want her to come out already."

"I know." I say. "But she has to come out on her own time."

"It's been three hours." She groans.

I grin, remembering how I was in her same exact shoes four months ago. Waiting to push out Ryder.

"Could I give you some advice?" I ask.

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