
413 24 4

January 8th, 2022


We're days into the new year and I'm starting to feel the pressure that comes with being a mother of three.

And this dude is talking about wanting an entire basketball team.

Karlie just spit up all over me, Ryder is raising hell by refusing to go to sleep, and Liam is getting into things that he shouldn't. Meanwhile, my fiancé is playing ball and my best friend is in Seattle.

"Give me this." I snatch the Brillo Pad from Liam. He was a second away from taking a bite out of it.

He scrunches up his face at me, ready to bawl his little eyes out.

"Fix your face, right now." I warn through clenched teeth.

I pick him up off the floor, carrying him by the left arm. He kicks his little feet back and forth, starting his tantrum. As that's happening, I'm holding Ryder in my left arm. I was able to get Karlie asleep easily, but Ryder was being Ryder.

"Come on Liam." I groan. "I have to change my shirt."

The smell of baby vomit is really starting to mess with me, and Liam is making it no easier by throwing a tantrum right now. Instead of fighting with him any further, I wrap my arm around his waist and pick him up.

He flails his arms and legs around, squirming within my hold. I want to pop him, but I hold off on it.

When I reach the playpen, I drop him off inside of it. Then I quickly run upstairs to change Ryder's diaper, and my shirt, and get him down for a nap. After doing that, I go back into the living room and sit on the couch.

My minute of peace is ruined when Liam chucks a toy in my direction. I purse my lips and glare at him. He wipes at his eyes, crying.

"I don't know why you're crying." I exclaim calmly. I surprised myself with how calm I am at this exact moment. "I really don't."

He stands up in his playpen, jumping up and down because he wants to get out.

"After what you just did, you're not coming out." I blink.

He plops down hard, inhaling a deep breath. It was only a matter of seconds before he released a cry that would wake up both babies, and I was not having that.

I sit up. "You have five seconds to cut it out."

I start my count down, warning him to shut it up. He holds his arms out to me, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"You're on three." I warn.

"MAMAAA!!!" He cries, wiping at his eyes some more.

"Four." I hold up four fingers.

"Mama, peeeeaass!!" He continues, pleading for me to pick him up.

"Five." I hold up five fingers.

When I don't go over to get him, he falls out along the mat. He continues to throw a fit and I ignore it. If Ben were here, he would've went over there and picked him up. He's not fooling me though.

"Be quiet Liam." I exclaim, opening my laptop.

He just tried to eat a Brillo Pad, then threw a toy at me. He better be lucky I'm even sitting in the living room with his ass right now. Especially with Karlie, who's sleeping right by my feet. The dogs are prancing around the playpen, trying to understand what's happening.

Liam coughs a little, then goes right back to crying. I continue to ignore him as he cries for me, and for Ben. He'll tire himself out eventually, and I'm waiting for the time when he does.

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