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First Person

Episode: Riddled
Chapter 61

The entire drive to Eichen I'm silent

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The entire drive to Eichen I'm silent.

All I can do is hope and pray that Stiles is there and alive.

I won't hold my breath that he isn't hurt. Scott already said he was bleeding.

I don't even notice we're there until the car stops.

I get out and we meet up with Stilinski and Scott but no Isaac.

"He went to get Allison." Scott says noticing my stare.

We walk in and stop right before the desk.

"Lydia, I don't want to say, 'Are you sure about this?', but..." Stilinski looks at her.

"No-- he's here. I swear to God he's here." She confirms.

"I need access to all basement rooms in this facility." Stilinski tells the man at the front desk.

For some reason I'm not excited to be walking down these stairs. I have another feeling.

This time it's a feeling telling me we're even further from finding Stiles, but someone else isn't.

I just don't know who. I don't know if it's someone good or bad. Knowing my luck it's the latter.

"It's here. It's right here." Lydia says as we reach the bottom.

"Stiles?" She calls out.

The room is almost empty. There's a few old dusty pieces of furniture but no Stiles.

"Lydia...?" Scott says.

"I don't get it. This has to be it." She says turning in all directions.

"Then where is he, huh? Where is he?" Stilinski says frustrated.

Oh god. I've only been thinking of how I feel through all of this. He isn't just my boyfriend, he Scott's best friend, he's Stilinski's son.

"Where is he?" Stilinski asks Lydia again even angrier than before.

"I'm sorry..." He apologizes when he sees the tears well in her eyes.

"I don't understand..." Lydia says quietly.

"Come on." I grab her hand leading her back upstairs and then outside.

We walk back to the car and Lydia sighs heavily. "I really thought this was where he was."

"Well he's not. He's not here, and you know what? I had a feeling that he wasn't here. I had a feeling that we were going to walk in the basement and he wasn't going to be there. I wish he was though. I wish we found him. I wish I had found him. I do. I want him back. Now I'm just stuck with this stupid and scary feeling that someone or something else will find him. I don't know if it's good or bad, but hey knowing my luck it won't be good." I rant in tears.

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