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First Person

Episode: Currents
Chapter 20

Waking up the next morning was hard

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Waking up the next morning was hard. Getting up and getting ready for school was even harder.

If it wasn't for Lydia I wouldn't have done any of it.

She stayed in my room with me last night and I told her everything. I mean everything too.

All the Isaac stuff. The Stiles stuff. The Siren stuff. All of it.

She agrees with me that Isaac wasn't me fault or his fault. She also thinks that Stiles is a complete and total idiot mostly for what he said to me.

As for the Siren stuff she didn't know what to say. She herself doesn't even know what she is.

When I get to my first class there are only two empty seats one next to Stiles and the other next to Scott.

I make the wise choice of sitting next to Scott.

He smiles at me when I sit next to him.

"Hey." I tell him.

"Hey." He says back.

"You alight?" He asks me.

I nod. "Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just um well you and Stiles I know why happened." He stutters.

"Oh um that. I'm fine." I lie.

Then the teacher walks in. It's not Harris since he's still missing or probably dead at this point.

It's out English teacher Ms. Blake.

"Good morning!" She says cheerfully.

"As you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing—" She stops mid-sentence.

"—I mean sick." She corrects herself.

"Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started, shall we?" She tells us smiling.

Man I'm hungry

I snap my head up at Scott. "Did you just say something?"

He shakes his head. "No. Are you sure you're okay?"

I just nod.

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