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First Person

Episode: Letharia Vulpina
Chapter 63

Episode: Letharia Vulpina Chapter 63

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This is scary. There's is no way my Stiles is capable of this.

"What the hell were you doing? Building a Terminator?" Aiden asks him.

"Thank you for that..." Stiles says sarcastically.

"Guys, this is a map." I point out.

"Isn't that the cross-country trail?" Ethan asks.

"That's the Tate car-- where Malia Tate's family died." Scott says.

"You mean, that's where her father put the steel-jawed traps..." Stiles says.

Panic seeps in and we all rush out to the trail.

"Coach!" Stiles screams out.

"Stilinski!" Coach yells out.

"Whoa..." He says when Stiles and I stop in front of him. Ethan, Scott, and Aiden are looking around to try to find anything that might do someone harm.

"I can't breath. I can't breath." I say out loud.

"Coach, listen close—" Stiles starts.

"What the hell is this?" Coach cuts him off his eyes crazy and wide.

"Please just stay back okay and believe me when I say you'll be grateful later." I tell him.

Stiles and I start to look around on the ground to see if we find anything out of the ordinary.

"Scott!" Stiles suddenly calls out.

"Stop, stop, stop! Everyone, stop!" Stiles says when people start to gather.

Stiles pulls a chain out from under the leaves.

"Congratulations, Stilinski. You found a length of chain. Can somebody now please tell me what the hell's going on???" Coach says sarcastically.

"Hey, Coach—" Stiles doesn't get to finish his sentence as an arrow flies out of nowhere right into Coach's stomach.

"...Oh, crap." Says Coach as he falls to the ground.

"Get it out of me! Get it out of me!" Coach screams at us.

Stiles tries to calm him down. "Coach—"

"Get it out of me!" Coach yells in pain.

"Oh, my God, I'm gonna die! Get it out of me! I'm gonna die!" He panics.

"Coach, you're not gonna die—" I try to tell him.

"I'm gonna die!" He ignores me.

"It will hurt less if you stop moving, Coach—" Aiden tries.

Losing Control {STILES STILINSKI}Where stories live. Discover now