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First Person

Episode: Alpha Pact
Chapter 39

 After Deaton cleared it up with Scott's dad that he was with him we were free to go

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After Deaton cleared it up with Scott's dad that he was with him we were free to go.

We're now at the animal clinic with Allison and Isaac trying to figure out where the Nemeton is.

"It has to be on a telluric current, or maybe even at the axis of two, or where they all intersect." Stiles throws out his ideas.

"We just know it's where Derek took Paige to die." I add in.

"My dad and Gerard were there, once. But Gerard said it was years ago and he couldn't remember where it was... And, my dad obviously isn't here to tell us now." Allison says sadly.

Watching you dad literally sacrifice himself must have been hard. She hasn't really has any time to breath and think over what happened.

"Yeah, mine either." Stiles tells her.

"Then how do we find this place?" Isaac asks.

"There might be a way..." Deaton tells us.

He sighs looking at all of our tired faces. "But it's dangerous. We're gonna need Scott."

We all look to each other knowing what we have to do.

Deaton, Stiles, and I all head to the preserve to find Scott while Allison and Isaac go to get Lydia.

"How'd you guys find out?" Scott asks us.

"Lydia. You?" Stiles asks.

"Morrell. None of the other Alphas know where it is, either." He tells us.

Great. That's just great.

"So, if this works, are you gonna tell them?" Stiles questions.

Scott sigh. "I can't stop Jennifer without them."

"How about we concentrate on finding your parents first?" Deaton cuts in.

Scott nods at him. "What's the plan?"

"Essentially, you, Allison, and Stiles need to be surrogate sacrifices for your parents." Deaton tells him.

This is the part of the plan that worries me.

"We die for them?" Scott says stunned.

"But he can bring us back!" Stiles exclaims pointing at Deaton.

"...You can bring them back, right?" I ask worry lacing my voice.

"You remember the part where I said it was dangerous?" Deaton asks us and we nod.

"If it goes right, the three of you will be dead for a few seconds... But, there's something else you need to think about. This is a dangerous ritual for more reasons than one. You'll be giving power back to the Nemeton, a place that hasn't had power for a long time. This kind of power is like a magnet-- it attracts the supernatural, the kind of things that a family like the Argents can fill a bestiary with. It will draw them here, like a beacon." Deaton explains to us.

Stiles shrugs. "Doesn't sound worse than anything we've already seen..."

"You'd be surprised at what you have yet to see." Deaton tells him and I gulp.

"Is that it?" Scott asks.

Why do they seem calmer than me. I'm not even the one that's doing this.

"No. It'll also have an effect on the three of you. You won't be able to see it, but you'll feel it... every day, for the rest of your lives. It'll be a kind of... darkness around your heart, and permanent, like a scar." Deaton says wearily.

"...Like a tattoo." Scott stats.

We head back to the clinic and meet Allison, Lydia, and Isaac.

Everyone looks scared. We're all worried that this could somehow go wrong.

If it does then not only do Scott, Stiles, and Allison die but so will there parents.

The three of them had to bring something that's important to their parents to help them stay connected. Something with that had a meaning.

"All right. What did you bring?" Deaton asks them.

Stiles gulps. "Um, I got my dad's badge. Jennifer kind of crushed it in her hand, so I tried hammering it out a little bit. Still doesn't look right."

"Well, it doesn't have to look good if it has meaning." Deaton tells him.

"Is that an actual silver bullet?" Isaac asks Allison.

She nods. "My dad made it. It's kind of a ceremonial thing. When one of us finishes learning all the skills to be a Hunter, we forge a silver bullet as a testament to the Code."

"Scott?" Deaton asks.

"My dad got my mom this watch when she first got hired at the hospital. She used to say it was the only thing in their marriage that ever worked." He says with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Okay. The three of you will get in. Each of us will hold you under until you're essentially... well, dead." Deaton points to the three tubs of ice water.

"But, it's not just someone to hold you under-- it needs to be someone who can pull you back, someone with a strong connection to you. A kind of emotional tether." He explains.

The three of them nod.

I got with Stiles, Lydia with Allison and Isaac with Scott.

"Wait." I say before they can step in.

They all turn to me.

"I just if you don't make it back I need you to know that I love you. All of you." I say my voice wavering slightly.

"We love you too." Allison smiles through teary eyes at me.

Scott squeezes my hand and Stiles pulls me into a hug.

Then all three of them step in. They start to shiver.

"By the way, if I don't make it back and you do, you should probably know something..." Stiles looks over at Scott.

He nods in confusion for him to continue.

Stiles sighs. "Your dad's in town."

Scott's eyes widen at the mention of his father.

Stiles, Scott, and Allison all look to each other one more time before Deaton motions for us to push them down.

I hold Stiles shoulders down and close my eyes.

Please let this work. Please come back to me. I need you. I love you.

Okay well one more episode. I'm gonna do like a little chapter with Cass, Isaac, Lydia and Deaton whiles the others are still out. So be prepared for some cuteness overload. Like get ready for this shit guys. Love you.

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