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First Person

Episode: Motel California
Chapter 15

Episode: Motel CaliforniaChapter 15

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"Hey. Wake up. Hey Cass wake up." I hear someone say pushing on my shoulder gently.

I open my eyes to see I'm pretty much laying in Isaac's lap. I sit up quickly and smile at him awkwardly.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Some Motel." He says handing me my bag.

We walk off the bus and meet up with everyone else.

"...I've seen worse." Scott says looking up at the old Motel.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asks him.

This place is straight out of a horror movie. You know what happens in horror movies? The blonde always dies.

"Listen up! The meet's been pushed 'til tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves! You'll be pairing up-- choose wisely. And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants! Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!" Coach yells at us handout out keys.

"Lydia...?" Allison asks as the strawberry-blonde stares at the Motel with horror in her eyes.

"I don't like this place." Lydia says fear evident in her voice.

"I don't think the people who own this place like this place." Allison says chuckling.

"It's just for a night." Allison's reassures her.

"A lot can happen in one night..." Lydia says as they start to head to the door.

I stay put. Lydia's right. There's something off about this place.

"Cass. Come stay with us." Allison turns around and yells to me.

I nod at her and walk up to them.

I'm terrified something bad will happen.

Third Person

Motel California was not the place Scott and Stiles had expected to stay the night.

Either way they accepted it.

They both flop back onto their beds and lay in silence for a few minutes.

Thoughts racing through their minds about their current situation.

Or in Stiles case their current situation and his current status with his girlfriend.

"All right, so I have four." Stiles breaks the silence in the room.

"Four? You have four suspects?" Scott questions his friend.

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