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First Person

Episode: Chaos Rising
Chapter 5

We got to the animal clinic since Deaton knows all about werewolves and what to do with them

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We got to the animal clinic since Deaton knows all about werewolves and what to do with them.

I mean thank god or else we would be screwed all lot of the time without his help.

"Obviously, it's not going to be particularly... comfortable. But, if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance-like state." Deaton tells Isaac as we fill up a tub with ice for him.

I still don't really get the plan but I have no say in what we're doing.

"Like being hypnotized." Isaac asks eyeing the tub.

Deaton nods. "Exactly. You'll be half-transformed. It'll let us access your subconscious mind."

"How slow does his heart rate need to be?"
Scott asks.

"Very slow." Deaton tells us.

"Okay, well, how slow is 'very slow?'" Derek asks worried for his beta.

"...Nearly dead." Deaton says honestly.

"It's safe though, right?" Isaac says now at eye level with the tub.

Deaton turns to him. "Do you want me to answer honestly?"

Isaac sighs. "No. No, not really."

We hear a snapping noise behind us and we turn to see Stiles wearing a glove all the way down to his elbow.

Derek raises his eyebrows at him.

"...What?" He asks us.

We all just look at him slightly judging him with our eyes.

He sighs and throws the glove on the table coming to my side.

"Look, if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this..." Derek tells Isaac.

I nod. "Yeah. We could always find another way."

Isaac stands and pulls his shirt off.

"Wow." I whisper under my breath.

I know Stiles heard me since he's next to me and the werewolves in the room heard me including Isaac.

I see him smirk slightly before getting into the tub.

He breaths out as he sits down and I literally see his breath.

Losing Control {STILES STILINSKI}Where stories live. Discover now