One of my biggest secrets

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Chapter 10
*present day*

"George!" Someone called, and George closed his locker and turned around. Wilbur was approaching him, which surprised George slightly. He wasn't sure what there was to talk about.

"Hey, Wilbur. How was the rest of the party? Sorry I had to go."

"That's fine, it was ok. But we couldn't find Clay. He disappeared around the same time you did. I was going to text you but realised I didn't have your number. And Clay hasn't been replying to my messages since yesterday." Wilbur said. George's eyes went wide.

"So he didn't stay at yours?" He asked. Wilbur shook his head. "W-where did he go? Is he ok? What if something happened?" George began to panic.

"I'm sure he's fine, I was wondering if you've seen him. But I'm guessing you haven't." Wilbur said, running a hand through his hair. George put his hands on his face, rubbing his temples.

"Oh God. What if he's lying in a gutter somewhere. I was with him last, I should have made sure-"

"Clay!" Wilbur shouted, looking over George's shoulder. George spun around and saw an exhausted boy walking towards them. He looked up and George noticed dark bags under his eyes. They both jogged over to him, and Wilbur put both his hands on Clay's shoulders.

"What happened last night? Are you ok?" He asked. Clay nodded.

"I'm fine. I got home." He said simply. Wilbur sighed in relief, letting go of his shoulders. George sighed as well.

"Next time please text me or something. I was worried." Wilbur said. Clay looked up at him.

"Sorry, Wilbur. I wasn't thinking." He said quietly. George noted that Clay looked even worse than yesterday. Still down and tired and out of it.

"Are, um, are you feeling better? Than last night, I mean. Cause you were a bit um, upset." George asked hesitantly. Clay looked up at him, and as if he was remembering for the first time, he cringed.

"Oh, shoot. George, I'm so sorry about last night. I told you some stuff I should have kept to myself." He said. George shook his head.

"No, no. It's fine! I'm glad you let it out, seemed like it's been bothering you. And you shouldn't keep things bottled up. Otherwise you'll explode! Yeah. Um. Yeah, no, it's fine. No worries. No problemo. It's all gooood." George said, putting his thumbs up, and then turning away to wince at himself.

"Ok, that's good." Clay said, and then seperated himself and walked away to his locker. Wilbur and George watched him for a moment.

"Is he just hungover or he still upset about something?" Wilbur asked.

"I don't know, I've never been hungover." George replied. Wilbur looked down at him.

"Never? Damn, respect man." Wilbur said, patting him on the shoulder before walking away.

George had gym first up, so he was already in his gym clothes. The thing was, he had no clue where Nick was, and Clay was also in his class.

But George clearly cannot function by himself with Clay. The past few times have just ended horribly. George looked at Clay, who had stopped putting things into his bag, and was just instead staring into his locker, a blank expression on his face. George furrowed his eyebrows.

Taking a deep breath, and questioning every footstep he took, George approached Clay again.

"Hey." He said softly, trying not to scare Clay, who was in trance, but his voice cracked from nerves. Clay snapped out of it, and turned to George.

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