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CW// homophobic slur (censored)

Chapter 22

"Hey, Mom." George said in the car on the way to school. His mom hummed in indication he could continue. "So you know how I'm grounded..."

"What plans have your friends made." His mother sighed.

"I was actually wondering if I could hang out with a new friend. For tutoring. He's in my computer science class and struggling with coding. He asked if maybe we could form a study group. So I was wondering if I could some time this week. I know I'm grounded but it's for school. And a new friend." George said. He revived a text from Xavier this morning asking if he was still grounded. George was shocked to see a text from him, assuming that he, along with seemingly everyone, hates him since he was gay.

"Who is this friend?" She asked.

"His name is Xavier."

"Ok, fine. Just because it's for school, and at our house." She said. George smiled.

"Thanks mom."

"See? You're so slack with him." Lexi voiced from the backseat.

"Don't start this now Lexi." Lorna sighed, as they finally arrived at the school. Lexi huffed and got out of the car. "When are you going to meet this boy?" Lorna asked George before he could get out.

"I'm not sure, I'll check."

"Ok. Well have a good day sweetie." She said. George gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving the car.

George sighed as he looked at the school, dreading another day. It was Monday. The weekend went extremely quickly, as usual. George didn't mean to ignore some of his friend's messages. He just could barely find the energy to join a discord call, or reply to the group chat's pointless memes. He spoke to Nick a couple of times, since the boy insisted he respond.

George was more in shock that there wasn't a single alert for GNotFound and Dream. Not a single one. He thought there would be for the safe, but alas. Maybe the Mayor had grilled him enough the night he returned the empty box.

Of course the days he is actually free, nothing happens. It's like the universe waits until George has stuff to do before disrupting his day.

He had his weekly meeting with Puffy again today, and he was dreading it again. He has a scheduled doctor's appointment later this week, so he had no clue what they would talk about.

He felt like he had something else today, something important. But couldn't for the life of him remember what it was.

He was on his way to the reception to go to his appointment, when he heard his name be called. He turned to see Clay jogging over, a smile on his face. George froze, contemplating running away.

He didn't want to talk to Clay. Maybe now Clay knew he was gay, he would interpret George's mannerisms and behaviour towards him as him liking him. Which was true, but George couldn't afford Clay knowing that he was crushing on him. And he also knew Clay was going to ask who his crush it now, since it's obviously not actually a girl.

So George decided his best option was to spend as little time as possible with him. But he was cornered now.

"I feel like I haven't spoken to you in ages." Clay said when he reached his side. George nervously fiddled with his bag strap.

"Oh. Um. I was busy over the weekend." George lied.

"That's ok. You excited for biology? How is your report coming along?"

"I'm not going to bio. I have my appointment." George said. Clay nodded, making a sound of realisation.

"Oh, I forgot about that." He said.

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