How did we both end up in the ER

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TW// abuse
CW// pills (medication)

Chapter 24

"Yo yo yo." Nick answered the phone.

"I'm not coming in today, Mom moved the appointment because of my ankle." George sighed. He was in the waiting room, his mother beside him.

"Your ankle?"

"Oh. Yesterday I fell down the stairs at school and hurt my ankle."

"You fell down the stairs? George how." Nick said.

"Obviously not intentionally. Anyways, can you take notes for me." He said.

"Yes I will get Darryl to take notes for you." Nick said, and George rolled his eyes.

"Whatever see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, wait did you see the interview with GNotFound and Dream last night?" Nick asked. George winced at the memory.


"Oh my God, I can't wait to rant to you."

"Bye Nick." George rolled his eyes.

"Bye Gogy."

George hung up the phone and looked at his mom.

"It's really not that bad, we didn't need to come to the hospital." He said for the fiftieth time.

"You couldn't leave your room this morning because it hurt so bad. You might need an x-ray, so we came to the hospital." Lorna said. George sighed.

"I thought it would just be an appointment at like a clinic."

"That was until you hurt your ankle. And somehow got worse overnight."

"Missing more school. Great." He rolled his eyes, and his mother shook her head.

"This is important." She said, and received a shrug from her son.

After a while, a Doctor came out and called his name. He tried to get up, but his foot hurt to touch the ground. He really shouldn't have ran on it yesterday.

A nurse had to bring a wheelchair over so he could be moved to the other room without hurting his ankle more. But this just made George feel more embarrassed. He was helped to the bed once they reached the room.

"Hi, I'm Dr McMillan." The Doctor said, shaking hands with Lorna and then George.

"I'm George, and my ankle is fine."

"It's not, we think he sprained it yesterday." His mother interrupted. The Doctor turned to George.

"So how did that happen?"

"I tripped down the stairs." He said. The doctor nodded.

"Can I have a look?" He asked. George nodded and the Doctor carefully took off his sock, using gloves. "Let me know when it hurts, ok George?" He said. George nodded and he started gently touching and moving the foot, George letting him know when it hurt.

"Ok, it's not broken, he has enough movement. The ankle is slightly swollen but not too bad. Definitely a sprain, I don't think we need an x-ray. But an ankle splint will help keep his ankle from too much movement." He said, taking off his gloves and looking to Lorna who nodded.

"A splint? What kind? Will it be big? Can I walk on it?" George had many questions.

"There are a few types. You are not to walk on your ankle today, but you can tomorrow. The splint can be thin, more of a brace with velcro if you need. And you might have to wear it for a few weeks, until your ankle repairs itself." He said.

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