Maybe I don't know you

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TW// homophobic slur (censored)

Chapter 21

"I think he's dead." George heard someone loudly whisper. He just groaned in response.

"George." Nick said, and the boy lifted his head. Nick narrowed his eyes.




"Not my fault." George defended himself, propping his head up on the table with his wrist. They were currently in English class.

"You look awful."

"Thanks!" George said, smiling but with venom in his eyes.

"To be fair, I didn't sleep much last night either, I think I fell asleep around 3. Did you hear about the robbery? Dream and GNotFound had to help, I was watching the news but fell asleep at my computer." Nick said.

"I did hear, yes." George said.

"Apparently something was stolen from the mayor. I remember waking up at like midnight because of sirens passing my house. I was scared, thought they were going to bust me for my sherbet empire." Quackity said.

"It's sugar, Quackity. Not real drugs. You're fine, it's just weird." George rolled his eyes. Quackity pulled some sherbet straws out of his pocket.

"Want one?"


"Wait, the mayor? We should ask Clay what happened." Skeppy said.

"We can't pry, it's his business." Darryl said.

"Yeah it could be classified. Who knows what's in that safe." George said, rubbing his eyes.

"Safe? What safe?" Nick asked. George's eyes widened behind his hands as he realised what he said.

"Um. Didn't the news say it was a safe that had been stolen?" George said, panicking.

"Oh. Maybe it did, I'll check." Nick said.

"No need! Hey, what was Mrs Harvey saying? I haven't been able to concentrate." George said.

"I think she was talking about context." Darryl said. George turned to the front of the room, where the young teacher was talking to the class.

"It's very important, not only in writing but also in everyday life. Think about anytime you've seen your teachers outside of school. It's weird right? Like you wouldn't expect them to have a normal life, or doing shopping at the supermarket. In fact, you might not even recognise them. Especially if they are wearing something completely different to what they usually wear. You just aren't expecting them to be there, so why would they be? Context is everything." She said.

"All I hear is gibberish." George whispered to his friends.

"Have you ever met someone but swear you've seen them before, or heard them before? But you can't put your finger on it? That's because the context has changed, you know that person by where they were, how they were dressed and how they acted. Why would they be different in a different setting?" Mrs Harvey continued. George squinted at her, as if it would help him absorb the information.

"What does this have to do with english?" Quackity scoffed.

There was a knock at the door, and everyone turned to the source. George furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Dr Puffy.

"Sorry to interrupt Mrs Harvey. I was wondering if I could borrow Mr Davidson for a moment?" She said. Now everyone turned to the back of the classroom to look at him. George gulped as he felt their stares.

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