The middle of the storm

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TW// suicide attempt
(I will put an underline where the trigger starts and ends- but there will be mentions of the event at other times in the chapter)

Chapter 15

The weekend went by in a blur. George was only called to help the city two times. Which.... is more than he probably should have been called in for.

The first time was to hunt down and track some guy who was caught selling drugs. The police knew who it was, but lost him in the pursuit. George and Dream were called to help. They spent a few hours tracking him threw the city, mostly using the rooftops to their advantage.

The second time was for a supervillain. It was in the middle of the night when the alert went out. George was already awake though, working on his assignments.

The villain could manipulate their size. One second they were as tall as a building, and the next they were the size of an ant. It was a difficult one for the superheroes to fight. One second they had been attacking the giant, and then it seemed to have disappeared.

While Dream and George were talking, the villain crept up behind George, and then grew into their normal size, grabbing the hero and smashing his head against the wall. Dream reacted instantly, going to attack, but the villain shrunk again.

George was on the ground, waiting for everything to stop spinning as he recovered. Dream lost track of the tiny villain, which had run back over to George.

The villain grew a bit bigger, and grabbed George's pendant, about to pull it off but Dream saw and dove, pushing the villain away.

George got up too, and him and Dream managed to catch the villain by luring them into a room where they couldn't grow too big.

That was one of George's least favourite villains he's ever fought. It lasted hours and was just plain annoying.

But today, George had school. And had an appointment with Dr Puffy first thing, which was during his biology class.

Ironic that he has to miss class to talk to someone about how he always misses class.

George did not want to be here. He would rather be in biology. They had finished recording all the data for their assignment, and now just have to write up their reports. He'd rather do that than whatever this was.

He reached the school reception, where the office would be, and it's right near the principal's office too. George was about to go up to the receptionist, to say he had an appointment with Dr Puffy, but a certain blonde boy distracted him.

Clay was here, sitting with his father on some chairs as they waited, but he made eye contact with George when he walked in.

Clay smiled and got up, but his father grabbed his arm, making Clay look back at him. They spoke for a second, and then Clay looked at George, gesturing for him to come over. George took a deep breath and cautiously walked over to Clay and the Mayor.

"Hi George, what are you doing here?" Clay asked. George was about to respond but the Mayor cleared his throat, staring at his son. Clay nodded. "Sorry. George, this is my father. Dad, this is my friend George." Clay said.

"It's nice to meet you Mayor Block." George said nervously, sticking out a hand. The mayor shook it, his grip firm.

"I didn't realise Clay had a friend called George." The mayor said, looking at his son.

"Well, we haven't been friends for that long. And I don't really get a chance to talk to you about my school life." Clay said. The mayor didn't respond, and Clay turned back to George.

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