See you tomorrow, Blade

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Chapter 40

"Nick's step-mom was telling me that he wasn't as much scared as he was excited about the whole thing. Apparently it was the highlight of his week." Lorna said as they drove to school.

"How could he think that was exciting? He literally almost died." Lexi said. George looked out of the window.

"I know. I can't get over how relieved I am that George wasn't at the theme park. You getting grounded was the best scenario." Lorna said, glancing over at him. He heard Lexi cough from the backseat.

"Yeah. Lucky." He simply said.

"Alright. Well, have a good day at school, you two. Dad will be home late, they've moved him to on-call reporters now, so his hours are a bit longer." Lorna said as they pulled up at the school.

"Bye Mom." Lexi said, jumping out of the car. George was also about to get out, but his Mom stopped him.

"I wanted to give this to you after school, but I'm too excited." She said, reaching for her purse and ruffling around in it. George furrowed his eyebrows.


"It came in the mail this morning." She said with a wide smile on her face, as she pulled out an envelope. George took it and his eyes went wide when he saw the logo.

Stanford University.

He wanted to do a computer science program there after high school. He applied ages ago, at the start of senior year. Before he realised how busy his life was.

"I don't want to open it." George said. Lorna shook her head with a smile.

"I know it's nerve-wracking, but this is part of life. Whatever it says in that letter, it doesn't matter." Lorna said.

"What if it says I didn't get in." George said. Lorna put her hand over his.

"Then you didn't get in. There's lot of opportunities."

"What if it says I did get in." He asked even softer.

"If you want more time to prepare yourself, you can open it later." She said. George nodded.

"I can't do it now." He said, eyeing the logo. Lorna nodded and kissed him on the head.

"Whatever it says, I'm proud of you, always ok? Now go to school, you have an appointment with Puffy." She said, taking the letter from his hands. He quickly took it back.

"Can I hold onto it?" He asked. She nodded. "Bye Mom." He said, as he stepped out of the car.

"Bye honey." She said, before driving away.

George took a deep breath and turned around, still looking at the letter in his hands.

"What's up, Gogy?" Nick said, barrelling into George and almost making him drop the letter completely. He wrapped an arm around George's neck and started pulling him towards the school entrance.

"Not much." George replied with a sigh, letting Nick pull him along.

"I actually meant to call you last night, but figured that I would rather talk in person. I was wondering if we could talk..." Nick said kind of nervously. George looked at him, resting his eyes from the letter in his hands.

"What's that?" Nick asked, and grabbed the letter. "Stanford! What does it say?" He said excitedly, smiling at George. George yanked it back and put it in his bag.

"I haven't opened it yet." He muttered.

"What? Do it now-" The bell rang and George took his opportunity to dart away from Nick, towards reception for his appointment.

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