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Chapter 39

"I told you I can't come." George said softly into the phone, knees pulled to his chest as he glanced at his door.

"I know you're grounded but last time it didn't even matter. What did you even do this time to get grounded?" Nick replied.

"I snuck out. And this time they are fully mad. I can't come to the theme park, I'm sorry." He said.

"Come on, George. First of all, why the hell did you sneak out? And second, just sneak out again." Nick said. George rolled his eyes.



"I'm not coming. Everyone else can go, make sure Clay does too, even though he said he'd only go if I do."

"Clay can't come either! Said his father won't let him. This is bullshit." Nick exclaimed.

"I'm sorry." George said.

"Fuck this. Get dressed." Nick said.

"Nick, no." George replied, but his friend had hung up. He groaned and proceeded to spam messages at Nick, telling him not to come.

The door to his room opened, and George looked at his Mom.

"You don't have to keep checking on me. I'm not leaving." George grumbled.

"I just wanted to check if you're ok." She said. George rolled his eyes, and luckily his Mom wasn't too strict about his rudeness.

"Nick is upset I can't come to the theme park. All my friends are. Clay isn't going if I'm not going." He said. Lorna sighed.

"Well, these are the consequences to your actions." She said.

"I know. And I'm sorry."

"Where did you go last night?" She asked.

"I told you. I just went for a walk, I swear. It was just for some fresh air and I didn't even go far." He said, putting his phone down.

Lorna sighed.

"You can survive a week of being grounded, ok?" She said. George sighed and rubbed his face.

"Whatever." He said.

"Alright. Well, I'm going out to meet some friends for brunch and then I have to pop into the school to prepare for a craft activity on Monday. Your father is at work, he's been covering a lot of extra shifts. Lexi is home though. And you are as well. Can you take her to swimming later at around 2?" She said. George looked at her.

"You're leaving me unsupervised?" He asked with mock surprise. His mother gave him a look.

"I'm trusting you, George."

"I know. I know." He said, picking up his phone again, seeing a new message and panicking.

You can't go to the amusement park

"Ok. Well, I'm leaving now. I'll see you later." She said. George nodded, a tight-lipped smile as his mother left the room.

Don't get your panties in a knot.
I'm grounded anyway

He sighed and was about to switch off his phone, but it started ringing. Clay was calling, and it made his heart beat extra fast.

"Clay?" He said nervously when he picked up the phone.

"George! Are you still going to the amusement park? Because I'm not allowed but I want to go and I need to know if you're going or not because I can sneak out if I need-"

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