We are superheroes, not celebrities

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Chapter 23

"Are you ok?" Xavier asked, and George looked up from his laptop. They were both sitting on the floor of his room, George had his foot resting against a pillow so it was slightly raised.

"Yeah, my ankle's fine." George said, gesturing to the ice pack resting against it that his mother got him. He managed to convince her it didn't hurt too bad.

"No, not your ankle. You just seem really quiet." Xavier said.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I guess I'm a bit tired." George said, his default explanation.

Actually, there was something nagging at the back of his head, and it has been all day. There was something he needed to do, but he couldn't remember what, and it was killing him.

Also he was thinking about everything, especially the target now on his back and the dread that follows the thought of him having to go back to school.

"Is that it? Just tired?" Xavier asked and George nodded. Xavier closed his laptop, giving George a look. "You can tell me if there is something wrong."

"I don't have anything to tell."

"Is it because you were outed?"

"Why the hell does everyone keep thinking that's the problem?" George said. It's one of many things.

"Well if I was outed without my control I would be extremely stressed out, especially in this school environment that it obviously not very welcoming."

"Well, I'm fine."

"Ok. I believe you." Xavier said, but didn't open his laptop again. George watched him, waiting for him to say something else.

"How did your family take it?" Xavier asked, leaning backwards against the wall. George relaxed slightly since the interrogation changed.

"I told them the night before, and they took it well."

"That's great, George. My family took my coming out well too." Xavier said. George sat up slightly, looking at Xavier in slight shock.


"I'm gay too." Xavier smiled. George smiled back.

"Wow. That's awesome. Congrats, Xavier." George said, suddenly feeling a little bit less alone.

"Thanks. I've been out to them for about a year now though. I just haven't been bothered to share with anyone else, apart from my close friends." Xavier shrugged.

"A year? Wow." George said, his admiration showing. Xavier chuckled.

"I have to admit, it was a bit of a relief to hear that you were also part of the community. It's nice knowing you aren't alone, you know?" Xavier said, and George immediately nodded.

"Yeah, I get that." George said with a laugh. Xavier smiled at him.

"Thanks for this by the way. It's actually been really helpful." He said. They had been working on their computer science assignment for two hours, George helping Xavier when he needed.

"Yeah, it's been good for me too, practising identifying errors and stuff." George said.

"I owe you icecream." Xavier said with a smile. George laughed.

"Ok, fine."

"Maybe not today since your ankle, plus I think that show with Dream and GNotFound is on soon, and I'm guessing you want to watch it too. But later this week?" He asked. George thought about it.

"I think my doctors appointment is Wednesday, so maybe-"

George stopped. The show. The fucking show. It's been organised for weeks, he's known for ages. And he still managed to forget.

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