So we are both grounded

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Chapter 16

"George, long time no see." Phil said. George gave him a small, unenthusiastic smile back.

"Sorry, Mr Phil. I've been super busy, especially with school." George said, opening up his bag.

"Don't apologise, George. It's only been around ten days since we properly chatted. Although I did see you briefly last monday but there was a red alert. But it's not like you have any requirements to come here. Got more jewellery this time?" Phil said, leaning his forearms on the glass cabinet. George nodded, pulling out multiple.

"I thought I'd bring a couple more today." He said, laying them out for Phil to look at.

Phil picked up the black one first. This was the villain that could morph into the person they touch and say the name of.

"Black onyx." Phil said, putting down the ring. He then picked up the brown earring from the memory erasing villain. It took him a second.

"I'm pretty sure this is andalusite." He said, gently placing it back down again. He looked at the cloudy coloured bracelet and hummed.

"Moonstone." He said. George nodded, that makes sense. It was the jewel that turned the villain into a wolf. He's heard about the legends attached to this stone from movies and Tv shows.

"This one is definitely amber." Phil said, pointing to the necklace that the woman with fire had.

Finally, Phil picked up the blue ring, the one the shapeshifter from the weekend had. When George first saw it, he was extremely confused, thinking it was sapphire. But that theory was quickly squashed when the person had a different power.

That further established George's assumption that there is only one special jewel of each kind.

"Lapis lazuli." Phil smiled, placing it back down. "Your relatives sure had quite the array of gems. Would you like boxes for these too?" He asked. George nodded, fiddling with his bag strap.

That was a lot of supervillains in only ten days.

As Phil left with the jewellery to fit the boxes, George pulled out his phone.

You free tonight? The gang wants
to go see a movie or something

I'm grounded, remember?

Yeeeah. But there's a thing called
a window

George sighed. After he had ditched the appointment yesterday, his parents were in fact furious. He told them he just wasn't up for it, and they didn't take it as good enough.

"George, we know you have a lot going on at the moment and you're overwhelmed, but that was the point of the appointment." Lorna had told him.

"And then you proceeded to ditch the entire rest of the school day. You said you were going to try." His dad said. George felt insanely guilty. He would have felt less guilty if he had actually been saving the city. But he didn't even do that. Sure, he went to that one girl, but then he proceeded to intentionally skip school to hang out with Clay.

Safe to say, George was grounded. He was either at school or at home. No inbetween. This little trip to the jewellery store was no exception. But his parents didn't know.

Phil returned with the boxes and George put them all carefully in his bag.

"Thanks, Mr Phil." George said.

"I'll see you next time, George." Phil smiled, and waved as George left the store.

George walked to school in back to the reception. He had his fingers crossed the whole morning that there would be no red alerts. He really can't afford to miss this rescheduled appointment.

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