Everything is my fault

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Chapter 46

"Although our heroes, nor the Mayor have not confirmed that the Blade is the mastermind behind all the villain attacks over the past year, his recent sighting on top of Pandora High at the biggest villain attack ever two weeks ago has started many theories and rumours. The Blade was last seen over three years ago on Doomsday, where the Liberator fought and defeated him. While neither have been sighted or caught on camera until this attack, the new evidence that the Blade is still alive has sparked a number of questions. Why haven't we seen him until now? Has he been behind the villain attacks? What does he want? Did the Liberator survive too? And did our two superheroes Dream and GNotFound know of Blade's existence?"

George stared at the news he brought up on his phone while he sat with his back against a random rooftop door on a random apartment in the city. As GNotFound, of course.

"And if the heroes did in fact know that he was still alive and a part of the villain attacks, why have they not warned the city? Can we even trust our beloved heroes and Mayor anymore? We are yet to here confirmation from the heroes themselves about what happened."

George swore under his breath. He almost wanted to go to the news lady right now and tell the city what's going on.

"The attack at Pandora High two weeks ago saw the sighting of four villains, and the Blade. There were no fatalities, but 83 students and five teachers were rushed to the hospital with severe injuries, and over four hundred were injured and treated onsite or at a later time. The paramedics and police were initially not able to enter the school area as a villain created barriers, leaving injured students just out of reach. The barriers finally came down at the same time the Blade left the site."

Footage of the Blade jumping off the building carrying the red and white villain showed on screen.

"GNotFound and Dream appeared to have a conversation with the Blade, but there was little fighting, and not a single villain was properly defeated. Whatever they said must have ended the Blade's orders to the other villains, as all attacks ceased and they disappeared. The city is thankful for the heroes quick thinking, and that they put the injured students ahead of fighting the villains. Even though it was only a temporary fix."

George switched off his phone and grabbed his head. They didn't talk the Blade out of it. He just left, for no apparent reason. George had no answers as to why. Except that he took the injured villain with him, and seemed slightly concerned for him.

Him and Dream never deliver fatal wounds. They know the villains are just citizens, under control of the Blade. They do have to give some hits, but never ones that could kill, since they take off the jewels and the villains can no longer heal. Dream shouldn't have struck him in the stomach with his sword.

But since the villain was taken away before they could take his jewel, George was slightly relieved that he could heal since it was a bad wound.

Even though he swore he saw the jewel flash twice...

The only jewels that have countdowns are the four precious ones. Emerald, Sapphire, Diamond and Ruby. Dream has the Emerald, he has the Sapphire, Sapnap has the Diamond, and Blade has the Ruby. So they were the only villains and heroes that have countdowns after using their power once.

Well, that's what he thought. Since no villains they have ever fought have ever had a countdown or a limit to their powers. But this red and white villain didn't even seem to even use a power. And the pendent flashed twice.

But maybe it was the sunlight. Maybe it didn't actually flash.

George was currently transformed and sitting on a random building, as he had done for the entire two weeks since the attack at the school. It was late afternoon, the sun near the horizon.

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