Doomsday Part Two

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Chapter 57

TW// broken bones, blood, gore

He plunged the trident into Dream's stomach.

"No!" George screamed in horror.

But Dream didn't scream. He just stared at the prongs of the trident in his stomach. He coughed once.

George had never felt so much rage in his life. It swept through his veins and took control of his body and shut off his mind.

He saw red.

Well, he didn't actually. Perhaps a more accurate metaphor could be that he saw brown. It's a shame, that George would never know the colour red. He'll never see the true beauty in roses, the innocence of a blush or the brightness of blood.

He sprinted forward, picking up the abandoned pen on the ground, and clicked the end of it. It transformed into the sword, Dream's sword, and he charged at Blade, tears in his eyes, fury in his veins and adrenaline in his body.

He swung, and the Blade barely dodged in time, only just barely pulling his trident with him.

George fell to Dream's side, putting one hand against Dream's jaw and neck, and the other on his stomach, pressing against the blood.

"Heal. Heal." George pleaded, eyes filling with tears.

"Hi." Dream said, his hand going over the top of George's.

"You're fine. You'll heal." George choked back a sob, scooping Dream up and holding him to his chest, backing away.

"I'm fine." Dream whispered with a smile.

There was a laugh in the distance, and George looked up. He realised in horror that Blade had picked up Tommy.

"Oh, GNotFound. One thing you should know about the Carnelian." Blade called out.

He smirked.

"The only way to end the Carnelian's powers is either for him to detransform himself, by killing him, or by me ending my manipulation." He laughed. "Everyone is still under my control!"

George shook his head.
There's no way.

It was supposed to end when George took off the Carnelian's pendent. But nothing happened. It did nothing.

Blade smirked and turned around, running away with civilian Tommy in his hold. George didn't have time to worry about the boy.

He couldn't breathe.
He couldn't breathe or think or see.

He turned his attention back down to Dream in his arms, looking at the increasing pool of blood in his abdomen and letting out a sob.

"Fucking heal." George said, as he started running out of the city centre. "Heal. Heal. Please fucking heal, Dream."

"G, it's ok." Dream reached up to touch his cheek.

"No!" George sobbed, reaching an alleyway and lying Dream back on the floor. He put both his hands on Dream's stomach, trying to put pressure on the wounds.

"Guys. Guys, what's going on?" Sapnap's voice was in their ears. Dream still had his earpiece switched so everything he heard and said would go through. "Did the Blade just say taking the Carnelian wouldn't end his manipulation?"

"I'm ok." Dream said, reaching up to his ear and switching his earpiece off completely.

"You're not!" George turned to look at Dream's face. His Emerald ring began to rapidly flash and George let out another sob. "You're going to transform back. You're bleeding too much. And you won't heal because you sustained the injuries while transformed."

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