I can't visit you anymore

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Chapter 33

"Shouldn't you be in school?" Phil asked as George followed him to the back. George nodded, and Phil took a seat, but he remained standing.

"I couldn't wait longer to talk to you." George explained. Phil gestured for him to sit too, but George shook his head. "I won't be here long."

"But we have a lot to discuss. I'm sure you have lots of questions." Phil said, slightly confused.

"I think Dream should know too. It feels wrong doing this without him. He's my partner, one of my friends." George said. Phil sighed.

"Please take a seat, George." He said. George obliged and finally sat down. "Look, it's not that I don't trust Dream. It will just make things more complicated. I would have preferred you didn't find out either."

"Good thing I did. We might not have defeated the two villains yesterday." George snapped. "I'm more confused as to why you were in hiding from us in the first place. Things could have been so much easier if we knew who you were earlier." George said.

"I know, but I have to be in hiding. The Blade is after me. It all started-"

"No. Stop. I really do want to know, and I have so many questions. But I can't do this without Dream. He's my partner. Hell, he's my friend. He deserves to be here." George said.

Phil stared at him.

"We've earned this explanation." George said, a fiery stare back at him. Phil smiled slightly.

"The two of you work well together."

"I know." George replied, with his chin raised slightly. Phil sighed.

"Ok. I agree. I will speak to the both of you and answer any questions you like." He said. George sighed in relief.

"Thank you."

"But under a few conditions. The both of you have to still be in superhero form so you don't know the other's identity. But neither of you can arrive as your superhero selves."

"How will that work?" George asked.

"The next time you see Dream, you give him this address and the time. But he will arrive half an hour after you. That way you do not see each other." He said.

"Ok... I guess that can work." George said, nodding.

"Alright." Phil said. "I admire your loyalty to him by the way, George. I never realised how close the two of you would get." Phil stood up. George also stood up, putting his hands in his pockets.

"That's what happens when you put two kids together in life or death situations hundreds of times a year. We spend more time with each other than with our other friends." George said, not hiding his cold stare. Phil sighed again.

"Is there anything you wanted to ask me now? Before we meet with Dream too?" He asked.

George chewed on his lip in thought. He did have one question.

"Why me?" He asked, his tone softer than before. "Why did you choose me for the Sapphire?"

"I'm not sure if you remember, but there was a specific event. It was just over a year ago. It was around the time my son, Tommy started sitting with you and your friends. And also when there was only like one villain a month." Phil started.

"See you George." Nick called out, waving goodbye as he stepped into his car. George gave a half wave back, before sitting down on the bench waiting for his Mom to come pick him up.

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