Always at a stalemate

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Chapter 14

Clay walked through the school halls, barely paying attention to anyone.

He kept thinking back to yesterday, at the event. When G held him. That was closest they've ever been.

Clay's cheeks blushed slightly as he remembered the close contact. He had his arms around G's neck, and could hear his racing heartbeat when he leaned his head against him. He could feel G's breaths on his face when the superhero had looked down at him.

It was something out of Clay's dream's.

"Clay!" He turned and saw Niki jogging over. He smiled at her, he liked Niki, she was really sweet and was the one who added him to the group chat.

"Hi Niki." Clay said. Wilbur had come over too.

"Clay! The entire thing was on the news. There was so many videos of GNotFound saving you. What was it like?" Wilbur said. Niki nudged him.

"But are you ok, Clay? Like you could have died. Are you hurt?" Niki asked, concern in her eyes. Wilbur nodded but clearly wanted more interesting details.

"I'm fine. It was crazy, it happened so fast." Clay said.

"Were you scared?" Wilbur asked.

"I mean, not really." Clay said honestly.

"You weren't?" Niki asked shocked.

"I trusted GNotFound. I knew he'd save me." Clay said, also the truth.

"Holy shit, Clay!" He heard Nick's voice, and turned to see a small group coming towards him. Tommy, Nick and George. But Nick was dragging George along.

"Big C!" Tommy said, a huge grin on his face. Wilbur rolled his eyes.

"Go away Tommy." Wilbur said.

"Clay are you friends with GNotFound." Tommy said, ignoring Wilbur and turning to Clay. It made him laugh.

"Um, no. He just saved me, that's it." Clay said, but had a small smile on his face. Actually, they were friends. G said he was my friend.

"We saw the whole thing on TV. It was terrifying to watch. And I texted you last night but you didn't respond." Nick said. Clay was preoccupied with his sister, his dad, and some medics.

"Were you scared?" George asked slightly softer than the others, glancing at Clay. Clay looked at him.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? I wasn't. I had my full trust in GNotFound. I was only scared for my sister." Clay said.

"So what was it like? What was GNotFound like? I've only been close to him once, at the school that one time but he had to go and I didn't talk to him. Is he cool? Is he nice? Is he strong? He must be, he picked you up, and you're tall as hell." Nick rambled on, making Clay chuckle.

"Yeah, was he even more British in person?" Tommy added.

"What was being in his shield like?" Wilbur asked.

"GNotFound was cool. Really nice, I spoke to him before the ceremony started too. Um. Yeah, he's amazing. Didn't even hesitate when saving me and Drista. He was strong, the superpowers do that. He was indeed British. And the shield was cool, made everything slightly muffled." Clay answered each question.

George felt his cheeks go pink at the indirect complements. Clay thought I was amazing.

"Woah. That's so cool. I'm so jealous." Nick said. Clay raised an eyebrow at him. "I mean, like, the getting saved by GNotFound part. Not the danger and fire part. But I really want to talk to GNotFound. I've spoken to Dream before." Nick said, attempting to defend himself. Clay saw George roll his eyes.

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