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Chapter 12

"Ok, George. Remember what we spoke about last night." His Mom said, stopping him before he left the car.

"I know, Mom. I'll try to fix my attendance." George sighed.

"And if you're ever feeling overwhelmed, go see Dr Puffy at the guidance counsilor's room, ok?" She said. George nodded.

"Love you." He said, hearing her say it back before he closed the door and went towards school.

He took in a deep breath. Today will be fine. There won't be anything he has to do other than school. Hopefully. He can try and fix his messed up attendance, and maybe fix his grades. Everything will be ok.

"Gogy!" He heard a voice, being greeted by an arm around his neck by a shorter boy.

"Hey Quackity." George said, as the pair walked into the school.

"Hey, you still on for tonight?" He asked. George furrowed his eyebrows.


"Don't tell me you forgot again." Quackity said, pulling away from George and giving him a look. George's guilty face was enough. "We are going bowling. The gang. Me, you, Nick, Darryl, Skeppy, and I think Darryl extended the invitation the two children." Quackity said.

"Oh, yeah." George recalled. He thought that was in a week, but apparently not. "Yeah, of course I'm coming." He said with a smile, and Quackity returned the grin.

"Good. Because you honestly need to improve, you suck ass at bowling." He said. George rolled his eyes.

"Language." A voice came out of nowhere.

"Do swear words summon you, Darryl?" Quackity sighed, as they were joined by Darryl and Skeppy.

The group was walking through the school, towards the lockers.

"I can't wait for tonight. I'm going to crush all of you." Skeppy said.

"No way. I'm the best." Nick said, popping out of nowhere.

"You're the second worst Nick." Quackity pointed out.

"Second worst?" George asked. They all looked at him. "Hey, I'm not that bad." He said.

"Sure, George." Darryl laughed.

"Ok, bowling isn't my strong suit. I'm the best at laser-tag though." George said. It was true, he was in fact the best in the group.

"Well you need to get better at bowling, George. For I am undefeated." Skeppy said, flexing. Skeppy had won the past few games they had played.

"I will beat you this time. The only reason you won last game was because I couldn't go." Quackity said. Skeppy scoffed.

"That didn't stop me from winning the games before that, hm? Maybe if you didn't miss that game, you would be better. Same with George. Maybe if you stop ditching our bowling days, you'd stop coming last Gogster." Skeppy said, and everyone agreed, turning on George.

"I'm sorry! I always accidentally schedule things at the same time that I forgot about. And get sick. And forget. It's not my fault I don't come sometimes." George said, trying to defend himself. If his friends knew what he was actually doing, they'd probably understand more.

"Well, make sure you remember tonight." Darryl said.

"George already forgot until I brought it up a few minutes ago." Quackity snitched. They all looked at George in disappointment.

"I'm sorry! But I'll be there, ok. I swear. Plus, Tommy and Tubbo are going right? There's no chance they are both better than me." George said. Everyone chuckled, like they knew George would still be the worst.

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