Chapter 16

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Nothing has gone or felt right ever since Ashton kissed me. I haven't been able to figure out why he did it yet either, but it's killing me inside. I'd like to know what that reason was, since I know he isn't into me one bit. Nobody is into me, because I'm Calum Hood, and who would want to go out with someone like me anyways? I've always been used, by both girls and boys. So wouldn't that just give Ashton the perfect opportunity to use me as well? It's happened plenty of times before, so why wouldn't it happen again? Everyone is clever in their own ways, and I think Ashton just did it because he wanted to get even with somebody.

I wish it was Luke who kissed me though. When Ashton kissed me, I didn't close my eyes. Instead of doing that, I stood there, against the wall, in shock with my eyes widened. He had his eyes closed, and his grip loosened on me as his lips fell onto mine, but it didn't feel nice at all. I didn't like the way his lips felt on mine. In fact, I didn't like him that close to me either. If there was going to be one person I'd replace with Ashton at that moment, it would be Luke. But Luke didn't do anything about the kiss, he just stood there, looking maudlin.

I couldn't figure out why he looked that way either. It was confusing me, since I knew that it wasn't possible that he loves me the way I love him. But then again, maybe it is. People have liked me back before, but it never lasted. I just want someone to like me for me though, and I don't want that someone to be Ashton. As selfish as that sounds, I'd much rather have Luke.

There's just something about Luke that I can't get over. Maybe it's his blue eyes, or his blonde quiffed hair. Maybe it's the way he smiles and bites down on his lip when he thinks hard about something. Or maybe it's the way he dresses, how everything he wears matches perfectly and suits him. Everything about him makes me happy, and all I can say is that I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him.

The first time I even laid my eyes on him, I knew I was. I just felt some sort of spark between us, buzzing up a connection that was stronger than I've had with anyone else before. He's just so special to me, he really is. He has the prettiest eyes, the most amazing smile, and I can't find a single flaw when I look at him.

Luke Hemmings, why did I have to fall so hard?

I haven't felt okay since the party either. All of us thought that it was going to be a fun night, but it ended up terrible. I think it's because of the kiss, but maybe it was more than just that. It's just that I was hoping for a great night, to get away from the band. But instead of doing that, we all had to stick together. I wanted some alone time with Luke, I wanted us to get drunk together so that I could admit how much I love him. Even though that didn't happen, I still had my hopes up and I still do.

This house has been quiet the past few days as well. None of us have spoken, Ashton has clearly been avoiding me and everything is just different now. I also noticed that there's something going on between Luke and Michael. Whenever they look at eachother, they blush and smile, and I'm not sure if it's because something embarassing happened or what. I know they're not together, because they just don't seem like the type to date. I would hope that they don't get together also, since I love Luke and I want him to love me the way I love him.

I walked out of my room, just to head out for a while. I figured that it would be nice to go out for a walk and just ignore the world for a while. Since the band has better things to do than speak, I might as well enjoy the time I have to myself. Plus, I have been having nightmares and I need to get out of this house because I don't like being reminded of them. I just need to get away from everything, especially Luke.

So, I headed towards the coat rack, then slipped on my coat. Before I opened the door, I looked back to see if they even noticed that I was leaving, but instead of seeing what I wanted, I saw something that I least expected.

Michael and Luke were holding hands.


I had slammed the door way too quickly when I saw that. It just wasn't what I wanted to see, and maybe it scared them a little bit but I don't even care. I knew I was being used, and Ashton probably planned this all along. Would it be bad if I said I don't really like him anymore? Because he's slowly starting to become only a band member and not a friend.

I've been walking outside, all by myself for the past few hours, trying to get my mind off of their entwined fingers. I wanted that to be me, I always wanted that to be me. But I should've seen it coming. They're both good looking, they both know how to handle relationships and they're both perfect. I wish I could be perfect, because then maybe Luke would find me as amazing as he finds Michael.

He's looked so happy around Michael lately and now I know why. It's because they're together. It's because I'm not really important in their lives anymore. It's because I'm out of the picture and they found something much better than me. And that something is love.


I have always hated that word.

Maybe it's because everytime I love someone, nothing ever goes right. I was hoping that Luke was different and that he'd be interested in me. But of course he isn't interested in me. He loves Michael and Michael loves him.

That's how it's supposed to be.

Luke is supposed to be with Michael.

Michael is supposed to be with Luke.

They're supposed to love eachother, and I'm never going to be Michael. I'll never be with the guy I love, so maybe I should give up.

But I don't want to give up, because part of me is still hoping that maybe they'll break up because Luke realized he wants me and not Michael. He doesn't want me right now though, and I'll just have to accept that. But I can't accept it, because I don't want to be just a friend.

However, I am just a friend, a jealous friend. That's all I'll ever be.

Calum, the jealous friend.

A/N: Guys I'm so pissed off omfg. I wrote this chapter with like 2k words, but then I clicked on another tab to change the song on youtube. But instead of clicking back to where I was, I accidentally deleted the wattpad tab without saving so I lost everything I wrote. I'm so angry, because now this chapter is majorly short and I have so many more stories to update. I could've had three done by now if I didn't have to restart this one.

Sigh, anyways, hope you all enjoyed it.

Let me know what you guys think.

Also, if you're reading this, can you answer this question for me;

How long should Michael and Luke stay together?

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now