Chapter 11

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I kissed Luke, I actually kissed him and I'm not sure why. My feelings for Calum are strong and he's the only one that I want. However, with the way Luke was speaking, I thought that he had feelings for me and I wanted to give him what he wanted. But that's not what he wanted, not even close. I'm not sure if its bad to think this or not but he may not even like guys in the way that I do. What's weird though is that I felt sparks when him and I kissed, not the kind where it feels like fireworks are exploding above you, but the small kind that leaves a tingling feeling dancing off of your lips.

Ever since I kissed him, he's been purposely avoiding me. It makes me feel like a horrible person because all I want to do is fix things between us, but I don't think he wants that. Calum and Ashton have been noticing lately that Luke and I aren't speaking. I know its my fault and I can't blame Luke for avoiding me but I do wish he would talk to me.

I ended up walking into the living room to grab a banana from the basket quickly since I didn't want to be bothered, but when Ashton spotted me and his eyes widened, him giving me a sympathetic look, I realized I was crying.

Luke, he's my best friend. He means as much to me as Calum does, as much as Ashton does and as much as my family does. I want him back, as my best friend, because life without him sucks. I miss his laughs, the annoying ones that he would use whenever he told a joke that wasn't funny and his smile, he hasn't smiled in a while.


I looked up at Ashton, my eyes welling with tears. It was obvious that I had droplets streaming down my face but I was trying the best I could to prevent it. However, it was pretty much impossible and he figured out that something was wrong.

Ashton ran up to me quickly, grabbing my arms and pulling them around his waist, him wrapping himself into me and allowing me to lay my head against his shoulder. His hugs always felt warm, but they never lasted this long. He was holding me as tight as he could, telling me that whatever happened with Luke will blow off soon and that it isn't as bad as it seems. But he's wrong, it is as bad as it seems and I ruined my friendship with one of the coolest guys in the world.

Luke probably wants nothing to do with me anymore. I smiled sadly as Ashton let go then allowed my head to drop, but looked up once I saw Luke walk into the living room with a large blanket wrapped around his body. My eyes widened, heart racing since I didn't know what to say and I knew that Calum and Ashton were going to make us speak eventually. Thankfully, this time they didn't and Calum immediately ran up to Luke, checking to make sure that he was okay while Ashton continued to comfort me.

It was times like this that I wished Calum cared about me the way he cares for Luke. He barely notices me, even though we are friends, its almost like I'm invisible unless he wants something or asks to take a picture. He cares so much about Luke, it almost feels that I'm losing him all because I'm not good enough for him.

And that's when the tears hit me hard, because eventually, my whole entire body was shaking, lip quivering and eyes demanding to be shut. My heart was hurting, because I came to a conclusion that Luke is more important to Calum that I am, which means I'll never be his. I'll never get to hold him close, intertwine my fingers with his, go on cute dates with him or even tell him how truly madly deeply in love with him I am.

I kept hearing Ashton saying my name over again, him shaking my shoulders and trying to get me to move but instead, I just squinted my eyes to hold back more tears from coming and gently pushed him out of the way.

"I'm not going to the interview later. You guys can go, I think I'll stay home," I pursed, walking to my room with my head down. This was making me so upset and for what reason that is, I'm not sure.

"Michael," Ashton stated, giving me a look of pity. "Please just leave me alone," I replied, sounding snappy and rude but I could honestly care less. First, I lost my best friend, now I lost the guy I like to my best friend. With how much they care for eachother, they could be dating and I'm basically out of the picture. But its not like I was in it to begin with.


The boys ended up going to the interview without me, even though Ashton begged me to go with them a million times. I did want to, because interviews are fun and I get to meet and see cool people. However, I'm in pain and nobody needs to see my droopy red eyes anyways.

I was alone, or so I thought. When I walked out of my bedroom with my spider-man stuffed animal, I saw Calum sitting in his favorite spot on the couch with the television remote in his hand, flipping through channels. It shocked me, since I thought he was at the interview, so I looked around for the others but the house was empty. I cleared my throat, then tightly squeezed my stuffed animal while looking at him. Everything about him was perfect to me. His hair, his eyes, his nose, his ears, his eyebrows, his mouth, his smile, his lips, his neck, his body, his fashion, I couldn't find a single flaw when looking at him.

Suddenly, he stopped flipping through the channels, his finger placed on one button without moving it and he turned to face me, which caught me off guard because he's never caught me looking at him before.


"Aren't you supposed to be at the interview?"

He shrugged and shut the television off, then patted the spot next to him for me to sit. I felt awkward, but I walked towards him and took up the empty space, only because he asked.

"Ashton asked me to stay here since he wanted to talk to Luke and well, you look like you needed a friend."

"I need more than just a friend, Calum," I replied, but covered my mouth immediately after I said it. He cocked an eyebrow at me in response, and I just gulped down then scooted towards him a bit. "I meant that I needed my best friend, which is you."

"I thought Ashton was your best friend?" Calum asked, sounding unsure, "I mean, I see the way he hugs you and stuff, like how best friends do." I was surprised hearing those words come out of his mouth because he made it seem like he's never paid any attention to me but he does.

"You see him hug me?"

"Yeah, who doesn't? He practically squeezes the living shit out of you."

I nodded slowly, then pouted a bit. "Its kind of like what you do to Luke though, right?" He smiled a bit then agreed, which only made my heart hurt. Of course, Luke is better and I'm just nothing to him.

"Calum, I think I should tell you what I did." He furrowed another eyebrow at me then focused all of his attention on me. "I'm listening."

"I-I um, well, I wasn't thinking and I um kissed him."

His eyes widened - he became stiff and he looked like his heart stopped. "D-Did he kiss back?"

I shook my head. "No, he pushed me off of him and never spoke to me again. I don't like him, I actually like someone else, I was just caught up in my head."

"M-Michael, why did you kiss him though?"

I sighed, because I didn't know the answer myself so I just replied with an ignorant question. "Why does it matter?"

"Because I think I love him."

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now