Chapter 27

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In my opinion, everything the band was going through was a big ball of stress. It was like none of us were ever going to get a break from anything. There's always something getting in the way or bothering one of us, if not all. I decided that I was going to talk to Luke, which of course was going to be a mistake. If anything, he probably would've just yelled at me and told me to go away, but it was worth a shot no matter what was going to happen.

I saw him sitting alone, probably staying in the place he was when Ashton spoke with him. The poor guy looked broken and I really wanted to help him, especially because of my feelings towards him. I wasn't going to tell him how I felt of course, since I know he likes Ashton and all, but still. He at least deserves some comfort.

"Hey Luke," I mumbled, kneeling down so the boy and I would be at eye level. He wasn't even looking up at me and it made me frown. So, I reached in and gave him a hug, which only broke my heart more because he immediately started crying into my shoulder. The boy didn't deserve to be upset, he's been through so much already. "Don't cry, it's okay."

"I-it's not." I always hated the way he sounded when he was crying. It was like how a puppy sounded when there was a thunderstorm; heartbreaking. I rubbed his back gently, then placed my hand under his chin to wipe some of his tears. "Look, I know how it feels to get your heartbroken."

"No you don't," Luke replied, sniffling. I shook my head because he obviously didn't understand. "Yes Luke, I do. I know how it feels to love someone so much just to find out that they don't love you back." Nothing I was saying was working and it made me want to give up. But I couldn't, I never give up on the people I love and care about.

"I guess."

I sighed and stood up. There was no use trying to fix his problems because it isn't needed. He needs to fix himself, just like how I need to fix myself. We're all damaged and in a lot of pain, maybe we just all need a break from each other. It seems that would be the best idea, but I don't want to be away from anybody. At least not Luke, but I also need to move on from him. It's a very conflicting problem.

I headed back to the studio, just to see Michael yelling at Ashton. Everyone was in a world full of hurt right now, and of course I can't fix that either. I can't fix anything and I hate myself for it. I know it isn't my job to sole everybody's problems but I always want to help and if I can't, I feel terrible. We're all broken and I'm trying to understand that, but I don't think the others are.

The only person I should be worrying about is myself. But before I worry about myself, I need to talk to Michael. He's been keeping a lot from me, and I've also been keeping some things from him as well. We need to talk things out, and I want to know his story behind his relationship with Luke. I want to make sure he's okay, but I may have to do it later.

"Guys, we're all down in the dumps. I think I have a way to help us get back in shape." Michael and Ashton both looked at me sadly, but I continued to speak. "What if we go for ice cream? I know you guys don't want to go anywhere, but it'll be my treat and maybe we can all talk things out and go back to the way we used to be."

They were silent for a moment. "Please?" I begged, knowing that getting an answer from them wasn't going to be easy. "I know it's hard and that we're all in pain, but I really think that this can help us all, including Luke. Of course I'll ask him if you guys want, but still, please?"

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now