Chapter 25

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Calum seemed confused as hell when I was giving him all of this information. I know I probably shouldn't have told him about Michael because there's a chance that Michael wanted to do it himself but I needed to lift the weight off of my shoulders. It's just been hard to process and a lot has happened, but now I don't know what to do about anything now. I walked in on Michael and Ashton kissing on the couch, like I was suddenly forgotten in a matter of seconds. Maybe I'm just making a big deal out of nothing, but I thought that the two of us were actually getting somewhere.

I knew that our relationship wouldn't last this long anyway and this could've been Michael's way of telling me to move on. It was what I needed to do. I needed to move on from him and I needed to stop loving Ashton, but the problem is I can't. They both grew on me so much and I don't want to move on either. I want to keep loving them like my life depends on it but I have to make the choice to either suffer or live my life without having feelings for them. I could just find a random guy in this world to love, but they'll never be as special as Ashton and they'll never be as phenomenal as Michael. That's the worst part of all of this.

Today, I was just laying in my bed and tweeting constantly. I decided since I was down in the dumps, I would follow some fans to surprise them to make their day. I'd rather cheer someone else up than be cheered up by someone. I don't like pity or sympathy so doing this was what I thought was best. This was starting to get boring though, since I couldn't tell who was a fan and who wasn't. Some of them were acting slightly like fake fans by the look of their tweets but I followed them anyway. It's not like it would hurt me in the long run.

This was a nice distraction. It was a great way to get my mind off of everything that has happened somewhat. This was my getaway from all of the boys and my problems. I was also listening to music that related to my situation which I tend to do whenever something would happen. I'm not sure why, but I do it all the time. I was thankful for the few moments I was able to spend alone, since Calum told me if I needed to talk, he'd be down in the studio working on music with the other two. I'm still contemplating on joining them or not. It's a tough decision for me because I don't want to face the two boys who broke my heart but I also want to help write the music and record.

I sighed then sat my phone down next to me on the bed. Then, I stood up and walked out of my bedroom to go meet them. It was the best decision and I'm going to have to face my problems eventually. Everyone has to at some point in their life and this just happens to be mine. I headed into the studio, just to see them all laughing and tuning their instruments, without me. I didn't know now if I should go in, since it seems like they're having a great time without me. As I was about to turn around and head back in, Calum noticed me, smiled and gestured me to come inside. That made Ashton and Michael both look at me in pity. This is exactly what I didn't want.

"Hey Luke, feeling any better?" Calum questioned, playing his top three strings on his bass. I shrugged, since I didn't feel like answering. It was obvious that I wasn't feeling better though since my eyes were red and puffy, my fashion choice was sloppy and I didn't even bother with putting a quiff in my hair. I just let it lay flat inside of a basic beanie. It's not like I was going anywhere important. "So, we're working on some new songs and I was wondering if you had anything you wanted to put into the album?"

A song came to mind but I just shrugged once again. That caused Calum to roll his eyes and set his bass down on the ground - it laying lightly against the metal stand holding up the chair. "Why aren't you talking to me?" It wasn't that I didn't want to talk, because I did, I just didn't think Ashton and Michael deserved to hear my voice. But of course, Calum's rage caused me to speak. "What do you want from me? I don't feel like speaking to a bunch of assholes who could care less about how I feel." They all looked offended, but Calum knew it wasn't aimed towards him. It was aimed towards Michael and Ashton who stopped being chirpy immediately when they made eye contact with me.

"You know what, fuck it, I'm just going to go back to my room okay?" I spun on my heels and began walking but I felt someone's hand on my arm. This made my teeth grit out of frustration - so I faced whoever it was behind me and surprise filled my veins when seeing Ashton.

"Lukey, please don't leave," he begged. I only shook my head and pulled his hand off of me. "Don't act like you suddenly give a fuck about me." That made Ashton mad but I wasn't going to tolerate his anger. I was already in a bad mood and I needed to be alone. However, he wasn't letting me do that. "What the hell are you talking about? I've always cared about you."

I shook my head in sadness mixed with anger. "No, and you don't pay attention to how anyone feels. First, you break my fucking heart and then you kiss my boyfriend. You really don't care about me, Ashton. I loved you, is that what you wanted to hear? And I still do, but I hope you're happy while I'm slowly dying." I could see Michael's hurt expression which pained me, but I tried to avoid it. I didn't mean to let all of this out but it was about time he needed to hear it.


"No, don't. Everything in this world is so important but then there's me. I'm just a stupid boy that doesn't matter to anyone," I retorted sadly. This was crushing everyone but I've held these emotions in for so long. "That's not true, you always mattered to us."

"To them, I did, but I never did to you. You just forgot about me like everyone else did. I just want to be alone, but while I'm at it, take this, I don't want it anyway." I threw my song book at him and immediately rushed out of the studio, then headed somewhere outside where they couldn't see me to sit. This just wasn't a good day.

But I glanced over to look in the studio and see what they were doing and all of them were yelling at Ashton. The boy looked like he felt bad but I didn't care. It didn't even matter anymore. I just sat there against the wall and stared up at the sky, avoiding everyone and everything, until I heard my song being played by them.

They were playing disconnected, the song I wrote about Ashton. I never felt more broken, because there's no point on feeling that way now.


A/N: it's been 8 days since i've guy's im so sorry. these chapters have a lot of drama, i'm sorry. I will have a lot of fluff soon, but every story needs some intensity right? yep well alright that's all i have to say but thank you for the reads and votes and comments and ily guys so much byeee :)

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