Chapter 7

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Usually when we work on a song of ours, I feel a connection but for some reason, I don't this time. Maybe it's because I don't have any feelings for a girl like the other boys do, but that's because I'm gay. I've always liked boys, and I can never see myself falling in love with a girl, even if I wanted to. I remember when I was younger, I tried having crushes on girls, but it never worked. Back in high school, pretty girls would flirt with me and tell me that they have a thing for me, and even though I went on dates with them, I never felt anything with them. It's like all of my life, I was wrong about my sexuality, thinking that I was maybe even possibly bisexual, but I'm not.

"Michael?" Calum exclaimed, taking me away from my thoughts. His voice made my heart drop slightly, especially at the fact that he knows that I just completely blanked out of their conversation about the new song. I looked up at him, nodding my head a bit, but then I found myself getting lost in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "Sorry, I was just thinking, you know," I pursed, looking from Luke, to Ashton and back to Calum again. I couldn't help it, I was caught in the action of staring off into space and they clearly noticed, like usual.

I awkwardly stood up from the stool and laid my guitar against it, then cleared my throat while placing my hands at my side. "I don't really feel good, so I'm going to go lay down for a while. I'll be back later to help with the song if it's not finished by then." Of course I felt bad for saying that and casually leaving, but they didn't seem to mind and I'm very thankful for that.

As soon as I shut the door and looked through the small window, I could see them looking at eachother with confused expressions, then whispering about something that most likely has to do with me. I put my head down, then walked off towards my room in the house, feeling ashamed of myself for acting so weird around my own best friends. I care about them a lot and I trust them, but I can't let them know that I'm gay. It's just weird, because they'll probably judge me and they might even hate me if I confess. It's best that I keep the feelings to myself, especially since the song is about a girl who won't date a guy, meanwhile I'm thinking about being a guy and not having a chance with another guy.

I made my way up to my room, then closed the door and immediately laid down on my bed. This reminded me of most mornings, how I would just lay down and stare up at the cieling, just to think about all the things that I can never seem to stop thinking about. It's hard, not being able to focus on anything when you can't stop thinking about something or maybe even someone. For instance, I get side-tracked a lot and forget what the conversation I'm having is about if I'm thinking about Calum. I just feel happy whenever I think about him and it upsets me that I can never make all of those daydreams inside of my head come true, no matter what. Because Calum isn't gay, and he probably never will be.

I closed my eyes and started imagining a scenario in my head with Calum.

I was sitting outside somewhere on a grassy area, all by myself, watching the clouds as they passed by. My feet were stretched out all the way, shoes slightly touching one of the miniture pink flowers blossoming up from the soil. It was a beautiful day out, which was quite enjoyable and relaxing, but it would have been a thousand times better if Calum was there, right next to me.


I turned around to face the boy who I was hoping would show up, then my breath hitched when seeing those chocolate brown eyes gazing into my green ones. He looked amazing, in my opinion. The boy was wearing a black leather jacket of mine that I leant him once, and his hair was combed nicely back. I love seeing it as fluffy, but this was nice, and a whole new him that I've never seen before. His skink was glistening under the sunlight. He had on a pair of black skinny jeans, because knowing us, that's all we will wear. They looked nice on him, especially since they didn't have a single stain on them. His hands were dangling slightly at his sides, one fidgeting with his left zipper pocket and the other, fingers moving slowly as the wind hit his arms.

"Calum," I retorted with a smile plastered on my face. I wasn't expecting him to show up, even if I wanted him to. This is mainly because I didn't tell any of the boys where I was going, but maybe just maybe he was watching or one of the fans found me and tweeted about my location. Reguardless of how he found me, I couldn't be any happier to see him, and I could tell he felt the same way.

He sat down next to me, his feet slightly touching mine as he positioned his hands so that they were touching the ground behind him for support. I looked at him with a confused yet amused expression while cocking up an eyebrow that was just barely noticable. "How did you know that I was here?"

Calum chuckled a bit, face flushing a light pink as he bit down on his lip, then he replied, "I just kind of knew you'd be here." He was always the kind of guy who knew wherever we are, since we like getting peace and quiet to ourselves. "O-oh, well, what are you doing here?" I stuttered out, playing with the sleeves of my sweater while looking down. A strand of my red hair fell over my face, covering one of my eyes, and before I could adjust it so that it was back to normal, Calum beat me to it.

"I came to see you, of course." My heart started beating faster than normal as he looked at me with a serious expression. Calum and I rarely spend time with each other, and seeing that he came to see me, alone, must mean something. "Why?" I wasn't sure why I was asking so many questions, but I was genuinly curious as to why he came to see me. It could be important, or it could be because he simply wanted to annoy me.

"I felt sad when you left, and this is going to sound weird, but I hate not being around you. If you're gone, I feel lonely, even if Luke and Ashton are there to keep me company. I like spending time with you, Michael, and I-I," He started, not even bothering to finish his sentence after his last stutter. "You what?" I exclaimed, lifting his chin a bit since he began looking down in shame. I've never been this close to him, especially since we usually have at least four to five inches of space between us.

Our legs were touching, my left hand nearly on top of his, while my right hand still touching his cheek, delicately. His brown eyes were melting into mine, those pink plush lips of his quivering slightly as his eyes trailed down to my lips and back up to my green eyes. "Michael, you're fucking beautiful to me." This was the moment I've been dreaming of, being this close to Calum and hearing him say those six words to me. "And I love you." And after those four words that made my heart stop, he pressed his lips against mine, and I swear, I felt a spark.

Suddenly, the scenario started getting blurry and Calum's face was fading away, and all I could hear was the calls of my name. My breath hitched as I opened my eyes and saw Luke standing above me, shaking me back and fourth while calling my name repeatedly.

"Michael, why are you kissing your pillow?" He questioned, causing my face to turn a bright red. "I was um, well I-" I wasn't sure how to finish my sentence, so he chuckled then finished what I was going to say for me. "You were practicing kissing a girl, I get it." I set the pillow beside me, then leaned up while feeling slightly nausea.

"Yeah, it was a girl. It's like you read my mind," I replied, giving him a fake smile, then I looked down and started mouthing cuss words to myself in shame. Luke is right, it was about a girl, named Calum, who's actually a guy, but you know, he doesn't have to know that.

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