Chapter 6

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I love talking to the fans, mainly because they're so caring and before I was famous, I didn't know how that felt. I didn't know what it was like to be loved by so many people and now that I do, it's amazing. I've never been the most amazing person either but I try to be. I love the fans almost as much as I love Michael but I love Michael just a little bit more. If I didn't have them supporting me in my life, I don't know where I would be. However, I feel as though I'm in love with Michael and I think that I am going to marry him someday.

But I don't know how that would work out. Everyday, I see fans shipping themselves with him and it hurts me sometimes because I want to be the one he gets shipped with, not the other way around. It'd be great for once if I could see fans shipping us rather than cake and muke. Luke basically gets shipped with all of the guys, including me since he looks good with all of us but I don't think of Luke that way. He's cute and all, and yes he does have the prettiest blue eyes in the world but they don't compare to Michael's green ones, not one bit. I can look into Michael's eyes twenty four seven and never will I get sick of it. He's perfect to me which is why I stare at him a lot but I can't help it. He's freaking adorable and we all know it.

I looked over at Michael who was just a few inches away from me, taking photos with some of the fans. They all seemed really excited to see him and only a few of them asked me for an autograph and a picture. That's the one thing that kind of upsets me. I feel like I'm the least favorite in the band and I don't know why that is. All of us should be loved equally but it feels like if there was a contest for who the top three members in our band, I wouldn't be one of them. Maybe it's because I have less followers on twitter and instagram, but it's alright. I try the best to not let it get to me. True fans are the ones that love all of us and not just one, or two or three out of four.

"I love you, Ashton, you saved my life," one of the fans stated, causing tears to form around my eyes. It means the world to me when someone tells me that, mostly because I didn't think I was capable of doing such a thing. All I do is play drums in the band and occasionally sing depending on the song we are performing, that's it. So how is it possible that I saved a life?

"How so?" I questioned, gulping down while placing my hands at the side of my thighs. I felt like I was going stiff but it might be because I'm about to get a long explanation. "All of your videos, you calling the fans beautiful, telling us you love us all the time, just being here. It's like you support and love us more than we support and love you and that means everything to me. You're my hero Ashton and if it wasn't for you, I don't think my heart would be beating right now."

I felt a smile coming on and it did, then I replied, "Well I'm glad you're alive and that I saved you. I love you too, thank you for all of the support and what you said really touched me, so I will always remember that." She started squealing then she casually asked for a hug which I happily gave, then I walked to other fans, smiling on the way there at the fact that I actually mean that much to somebody.

"Ashton, Michael!"

Before I could even sign another autograph, I saw Luke and Calum standing up against our tour bus. Luke was slouched a bit, his feet crossed and sunglasses covering his face, meanwhile Calum just had his usual grin plastered on his face. When they realized they caught my attention, Luke gestured his hand for me to come over, then pointed at Michael to tell him the same thing. I nodded just before finishing the autograph and thanking the rest of the fans, then I lightly gripped a hold of Michael's arm and told him to come with me.

"But I was having fun meeting the girls, they're cute," Michael stated, which made me feel a little angry inside. There's definately no way that he's gay and these girls have a way higher chance at dating him than I do and I absolutley hate it. I just want to be the one that he calls cute and hearing it out of his mouth hurts, a lot. It felt as though my heart was torn out of my chest and he just ripped it into a million pieces. Maybe he's going to go for one of them and forget about me, because I'm not important and I'm easy to forget.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now