Chapter 3

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I like to think of life as an opportunity for anything. Its strange but its true. Mostly because I've never missed a single opportunity that I've ever been given in the past or in my life, really.

Here's the confusing part though. I'm Michael, the guy that literally seems like he doesn't have a single fear but I do. I have a lot of them actually and one of them is confessing my feelings for my best mate Calum.

Everybody says that telling someone you love them is the easiest thing in the world but its not. The idea of it literally scares me because I'm terrified of him judging me and leaving my life forever.

Like what if he randomly decided to quit the band because he didn't want any awkwardness between us, then he went off and married some girl that he met at a strip club. I don't know though, it just makes me uncomfortable thinking about it.

Yeah, sure, I'm almost always confident and open about things but Calum always makes me tongue twisted. I found that speaking to him about serious matters makes me act strange, where as my body stiffens, my face reddens and my heart rate slows down.

It happens a lot actually. Just like that time that Luke and Ashton decided to go pick up lunch for us; I was left alone with Calum and I literally didn't know what to do. He was just sitting there with his hands in his pockets, staring at absolutely nothing, and I couldn't help but admire the boy.

He was just so precious and fragile to me and I adore him a lot. It'd just make everything a hell of a lot easier if I could grow some balls to admit to him that I fell in love with him.

"I wonder what Ellen is going to ask us during the interview though," Ashton pursed while drumming his ridiculously long fingers against his thighs. I was still running my fingers through his curls and I honestly have no idea why.

Maybe its because they're soft and it reminds me of Calum's hair. I'm too afraid to touch it though because he might think I'm weird and I most definitely do not want to go through that.

"Yeah, me too. Like I've watched all of her interviews and she asks some pretty interesting questions," Calum retorted, glancing at me casually.

I felt my breath hitch, so I quickly turned my head around so that I was facing a wall and he couldn't see me. Honesty, I can't help but do that when I make eye contact with him. My heart starts pounding and my face goes red and I don't want him seeing that.

"Michael, are you alright?" Luke exclaimed, drawling all of the attention on me. I rolled my eyes while mouthing the word 'fuck' then turned around and gave them a casual smile.

"Yeah, can you just excuse me for a moment? I just now remembered that I forgot to call my mum back."

It was a lie, of course. I had called her like ten minutes after promised and I always keep my promises. "Oh okay, go on ahead," Luke replied, giving me a strange look then he only shook his head and began looking at Ashton.

I've noticed him staring at the older lad a lot lately. Its like every five seconds and its cute but confusing. Maybe Luke likes Ashton and maybe I'm not the only gay one in this band but I probably am.

Chances are that they're all straight and I'm going to end up alone because I reject girls that have interest in me. Its not that I simply like rejecting, which I do because let's be honest, its not a secret that I'm a reject. Its just that I truly am gay and all I want is my best friend.

How sad is that? Pretty sad if you ask me.

I pulled my hands away from Ashton's hair awkwardly, then stood up while sucking in my lips and walked off. I wanted to stay and talk with them but for some reason, I wasn't in the mood to anymore.

Maybe it was because Calum rarely notices me. We talk all the time but he never notices the way I look at him, or how I smile whenever he's around. Its like he's completely oblivious to my feelings and I hate it but I guess that's just how the world works.

I scattered into my bedroom and closed the door as quietly as possible, then walked over to my mattress and sat down. As soon as I was off of my feet, I took a deep breath then plopped down on the bed so that I was looking at the ceiling.

"Why does love have to be this way?" I mumbled to myself, wandering my eyes left to right. Maybe its this way because something is trying to tell me that Calum isn't the one for me. If he was the one then wouldn't him and I already be together?

No, that's just crazy. It could be something else. Maybe he feels the same way or he just doesn't know it yet. I don't know, I just wish there was a way to figure it out. Like if I had the ability to read is mind, I'd be really happy about that.

However, if he didn't feel the same and I could hear his thoughts then I'd be devastated and I don't want yet another broken heart. Its the worst feeling in the world when somebody doesn't like you back. But you know what's even worse? Feeling as though nobody is going to love you because everyone else is either taken or interested in someone that's not you.

I sighed once again then began playing with the rubber band that I put on my arm this morning. Its become a habit of mine, lifting it up with my index finger then letting go so that it hits my wrist. I guess it just helps me concentrate more and it pulls me away from thinking negative things.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door and I slightly jumped but mumbled a quiet come in. So, as told, the door opened and there stood Luke.

"You walked off rather quickly. Are you sure nothing is bothering you?" I nodded in hope that he would believe it but he just simply sighed and ran a few fingers through his hair.

"You know that you can talk to me about anything, right?" He said softly, "I'm always here for you. You're like my brother and I don't want to see you upset."

I gave him a small smile and glanced into his bright blue eyes that were filled with concern. "I do and I'm honestly fine, thank you for checking up on me."

He mumbled a quick its alright then we immediately changed the subject into going to Ellen show tomorrow. "Do you think she is going to ask us if we're in relationships?" Luke questioned while biting down on his lip.

I chuckled while thinking about it then replied, "No I don't think so but if she does then we can just say each other." I sent the boy a playful wink and he only laughed back, then nodded in agreement.

The interview is going to be so much fun and when we perform, I just can't wait for that. Good girls is one of my favorite songs on the album and performing it live is one of the greatest feelings ever.

Mostly because I get to stare at Calum out of the corner of my eye and watch him play his bass, looking all attractive and sweaty on stage like he usually does. It still shocks me that he doesn't know that I look at him all the time. I'm also wondering if he ever looks at me when I'm not paying attention.

The only time that I actually caught him looking at me was when I dyed my hair red and the dye was leaking down my face because it was hot as hell on that stage. He was staring for a while though, then he randomly bursted into a pit of laughter before singing his verse on the song we were playing.

"It'll be fun, no worries," Luke said calmly and for once, he didn't sound nervous or afraid. I know that being on stage is his favorite place but he actually gets scared sometimes before we perform. Its normal though because the audience gets bigger as we go.

I laughed and nodded, then sat up so that I could actually see something that wasn't partially upside down. "Well I'm craving vegemite on toast so I'm going to go and make some but remember you can always come to me if you need anything and I promise I'll be here," Luke stated just before walking off.

Maybe one day I'll tell him about my love for Calum but for right now, I'm just going to close my eyes and attempt to sleep so that I can get my mind off of Cal.

But that didn't happen, and I kind of knew it wouldn't, since he's always on my mind, but again, maybe that's how its supposed to be.

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