Chapter 37

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"You planned a blind date for Ashton and I?" I asked for what might've been the thirteenth time today.  I just couldn't believe the word's coming out of Calum's mouth. A blind date? Is that even possible for us?

"Luke, how many times do I have to answer that question? Yes."

This was amazing and scary all at the same time. I didn't even know what they had been planning all along and now I'm finding out that I'm supposedly having a blind date with Ashton Irwin. The Ashton Irwin, with curly hair and a perfect smile and perfect body. Oh god, is this real life? Yes, it's real life, it just doesn't feel like it.

"So, does Ashton know about this?"

"No, that's why it's a blind date."

"But isn't it a blind date when neither of the people know who their going to be with?"

"Oh my god Luke, you make things so complicated." He was right. I can't control the way I am when it comes to Ashton. I tend to ask a lot of questions, especially when I'm nervous. It's a habit. I'm just a very curious person that doesn't want anything to go wrong. 

"I'm sorry, you're right. I just don't want anything to go wrong."

"And nothing will go wrong."

I hope you're right Calum Hood, otherwise I will ruin you. Not literally, but I'll mentally stab you every time I see you if this ends up turning out bad. Just because I can.


Calum seemed a lot more nervous than I did. He didn't want anything to go wrong either and it was kind of nice. The boy cared so much about making things perfect for us that it made me feel bad. I know he has feelings for me, but the fact that he's going so far out of his way to do this is the best thing in the world. If only I could do something for him in return, like get him with Michael. However, I know he doesn't have feelings for Michael so I don't want to push him into being with someone he's not interested in. I ship them though. Malum would be cute, malum would be adorable.

"Okay Luke, here's your guitar."

He handed me my favourite acoustic guitar that I always play in my bedroom. It's just one of my prized possessions and I love it so much. He then handed me my song book, and that's when I felt confused.

"Why are you giving me my songbook, Calum?"

Calum looked scared now, and he should be, because I'm going to kill him. "Did you - did you look at my songs, Calum?"

"I did, but I did it for good reasons! Look Luke, you're really talented and I think that Ashton deserves to hear the song you wrote about him."

"Almost all of them are about him," I mumbled and I could tell that upset Calum. I didn't mean to, but I did anyway. "Okay, so which one are you expecting me to show him?"


"Calum! He can't hear that!"

The kiwi boy frowned. "And why not?"

My cheeks coated a crimson red and I looked down. "B-because he just can't, okay? It's embarrassing."

"No it's not, Luke. Look at me." I wouldn't look at him, I was actually refusing at this point.

"Okay, what about Out Of My Limit?"

"No, that's even worse!" I didn't want Ashton, or Michael, or Calum to hear the songs I wrote. They were all personal.

"Beside you?"

"No! You went through my whole entire songbook, didn't you?"


The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now