Chapter 29

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Ashton was right with the whole relationship drama, but I still wanted to make him my boyfriend. I know it was wrong to think it'd happen, since I just got out of a relationship with Michael. I feel bad about everything, but at the same time, I don't. It's mainly because I know Michael still is in love with Calum and it could be good for them to spend some time together. I also figured that Calum's plan would work, but it didn't so I'm not sure how to feel about that entirely.

I didn't care what Ashton had to say about relationships though. I was still going to win him over regardless of his opinion on everything. I've waited far too long to just hear him say that, so I'm obviously not going to give up on making him mine. The only problem is that I'm still hung up on Michael. We didn't get to do a lot of things as a couple and it makes me sad. I miss wrapping my arm around his waist and pulling him close when he wanted to cuddle. I miss pressing my lips against his soft, warm ones whenever he was whining and wanted to go somewhere. I miss taking him outside and dancing with him in the rain to make things feel more romantic between us. It was a great experience being with him, kissing him, holding him, kissing him and more. Maybe I'll be able to do some of those things with Ashton, but I won't ever lose the adorable memories with Michael. That's for sure.

I won't forget how soft Michael's hair felt when I'd run my fingers through it, or how adorable his smile was whenever I'd compliment him on something. I'll never be able to forget the day that we went to the pet shop together and bought Ketchup, bringing him home to surprise the rest of the band. I'm never going to forget a single memory I have with Michael, even the one where I walked in on him and Ashton kissing. I think that's the one that hurt the most, since I'm pretty much in love with both of them. It was painful to see it, but I know I need to let it go. It's in the past and shouldn't come in the way of anything.

Before I could win Ashton over, I was going to need to talk things out with Michael again. I want to make sure he's alright, since he just witnessed a pang of heartbreak last night. I want to get his opinion on how he'll feel if I go after Ashton and I want to make sure he's over me. I know he isn't over me, since we still had a lot to do in the short-term relationship. It doesn't matter though, because we still at least got the experience and made both of our crushes jealous, even if it's not the way we intended for it to go.

I leaned against the couch while sipping down a glass of water. Michael and Calum were outside, and I could somewhat hear their conversation. They were slightly loud, but luckily they weren't arguing. It didn't sound like they were at the very least. I was waiting patiently for both of them to walk inside, so I could get Michael alone and talk to him. It needed to be said, but I also had to tell him easily.

So, I just sat there and waited for time to pass by, and eventually, they both came walking in with smiles on their faces. I glanced at the two of them, then furrowed an eyebrow. "What are you guys so happy about?" Michael chuckled, then swayed his body shyly in an adorable way. That is definitely something I'm going to miss about him when and if I start dating Ashton. He would always do that whenever I'd put him on the spot and make him feel shy, which was cute in my opinion.

"We talked everything out and now we're fine," Calum responded in a hopeful but questioning tone, and Michael nodded in response, causing the boy to smile gratefully. They were probably the cutest, but I wasn't going to say that since I thought Michael and I were pretty cute ourselves.

"That's great, I was wondering if I could talk to Michael by myself really quick though?" Calum nodded and stepped away somewhere, leaving Michael to stand there nervously. "Hey," I said casually, trying to break the small, awkward tension there was between us. He pulled his sleeves over his hands nervously and avoided all possible eye contact with me.

"I know what you're going to say." I didn't know how that was possible, but I looked at him with sympathy. "Look Mikey, I still really like you and I'm going to miss us being a couple, but I think it's a good thing that we're not together anymore. Maybe we weren't meant to be together, you know? I personally think Calum is the one for you, and I think you should go after him instead of me."


"I know, I know. You became attached to me, just like how I did with you. But we need to do this, Michael. The original plan was to go after Calum and Ashton in the first place, right? I think you should give Calum a chance to maybe show his affection for you. You might not see it, but I can tell he's starting to like you the way you like him. And maybe one day he'll fall in love with you."

He seemed broken, but he just nodded and gave me a fake smile. "Yeah, you're right. He was telling me he was sorry for last night and he wants to make it up to me. I don't know how but he's going to do something." I smiled out of excitement. This was going to be good for him, it was going to be good for both of us. He deserves to have someone like Calum rather than someone like me. I don't want to hurt him anymore, just because I only like him, but I'm in love with Ashton. It's kind of like how he likes me but is in love with Calum. I had to stop it before we fell in love with each other.

And I'm glad I did, because I can already tell things are going to work out between Michael and Calum, which means I can finally chase after the boy I've wanted since the beginning. Ashton Irwin, I'm coming for you.

"Hey Luke?"

I nodded by head and looked at him, happily. "Yes, Michael?"

"Will you hold me one last time, before you know, go after Ashton?"

I smiled and nodded. I knew that he was going to ask that and I'm thankful I did, because I'm going to miss holding him more than anything. It was one of the best feelings in the world and it still is.

Even though I'm going after Ashton, I'm truly going to miss Michael.


A/N: these chapters are so short? idk. I hope you guys are okay with the transition.. i know a lot of you loved muke together and i did too, but this is how the story has been planned since i started writing it. im sorryyyy xc. but thank you for reading, commenting and voting. ily guys so much and i'll try to update more frequently lmao. byeeeee :D

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