Chapter 9

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They always say that time flies when you're having fun and I remember the day that we performed on Ellen, just like how we always imagined it. That day was my life, specifically because I truly felt happy and for once, proud of myself.

But lately, I haven't been feeling happy. I'm starting to feel like life is getting boring, simply because every morning that I wake up, I do the same exact things and it gets tiring. All I ever do is wake up, get dressed, eat and meet up with the boys so that we can do something that has to do with the band.

Don't get me wrong, I love being in the band and performing on stage is the only place where I feel like I can be myself but I haven't been feeling like that since we were on Ellen. It just hasn't been as fun, and I'm not exactly sure why to be perfectly honest with you. I've just been feeling a little bit empty and a little dead inside, and each day, those feeling grow stronger.

I sighed and elevated myself up from my bed, then rubbed my eyes to make sure that I could see properly. It was just like other days, the sun was in the sky, blazing like the big fire ball it is - hundreds of birds flying by in lines, and the sound of car's honking was also heard outside.

Sometimes, I get annoyed of waking up this way but it happens, and I know I'm not the only one who deals with this kind of thing.

"Hey Luke, can I talk to you about something?" I looked away from the window and turned my head towards where the voice was coming from, seeing Michael with a quite upsetting expression. His hair was a mess, his green eyes weren't as bright as they usually were, and I can't forget to mention how he had bags under his eyes that were a lot bigger than usual.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, giving him a sympathetic smile. He just shrugged and looked down at the floor while fiddling with his fingers that dangled next to his sides. Michael wouldn't speak, nor move, he only stood there which made me feel bad.

I've always been the kind of person that feels the need to help someone, whether I know them or not. Nobody deserves to be sad and everyone deserves to be happy. I wish I could find a way to help, but right now, Michael needs a friend and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

"Come on, Mikey. You can tell me and I promise you that I won't judge you," I assured him, hoping that he would at least look up but instead, he just stayed there in place, looking as though he was a statue with how stiff he was. I sighed, then patted the spot next to me on my bed, which thankfully made him move and join me.

It hurt me inside, knowing that something is wrong with Michael. He was now just sitting there, looking down at his lap with his mouth hanging slightly open, like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to. I couldn't help but wonder if what he wanted to talk about had something to do with me. He looked so indecisive and that's never happened before, which is why I blame myself. I grew up having this belief that whenever something is wrong with someone, it's my fault and I can't control it now because it just kind of happens.

Michael leaned up a bit, his shoulders still slumping. I sighed once again then placed my hand on his back and began rubbing small circles into it until he looked up, but instead he just shook his head and moved my hand away with his.

"Please don't do that." I nodded in understanding, feeling bad that I may have pressured him too much, and hopefully he isn't mad at me for that. "Michael, is it about me?"

Finally, he looked up, his green eyes surrounded with tears that he was clearly trying to hold in. My breath hitched, seeing that he was this upset and I didn't even notice because I was too busy thinking about myself. "No, it's not. I-It's about someone else."

I bit down on my lip and intertwined my fingers together while tapping my foot against the floor. "Do I know them?" He looked pretty indecisive which has never happened before, but then he nodded which gave me a clue.

"Is it a friend of yours, a family member, a security guard?" I questioned, then shook my head before continuing, "I know, it's that girl from the supermarket."

He hit his hand against his face and let out an annoyed laugh into it, then looked at me once again with his sad eyes. "Your first guess was right, its a friend." Well, at least I got something right.


He shook his head.

"Well, it's not me and it's not you, obviously, so that only leaves out Calumet. It's about him, isn't it?"

His head dropped again, in which I lifted his chin with my finger then shook my head. "No need to be ashamed, now tell me, what did that Asian do this time?"

He chuckled, mumbling that he isn't one which caught me by surprise since we always tease him, then he sighed again. "Okay, well you told me you wouldn't judge so I hope that you keep that promise. Um, I-I guess he didn't really do anything which is the reason I'm upset."

I cocked an eyebrow at him in confusion, which made him sigh once again. "Him not doing anything is what makes me upset. I-I like him L-Luke."

My eyes widened because there's no possible way that Michael is gay, its just not possible. I'm the only gay one in this band so how could he be too? "But as a friend, right?

He shook his head, his hair falling even more than it was the moment he walked into my room. "More."

This was pretty shocking to me, since Michael doesn't seem like the type of person to like guys, but I guess I can understand because I don't either. I looked into his green eyes with my blue ones and placed my hand on top of his. "Does that mean you're gay?"

He nodded then looked down at his hands, "I understand if you think different of me or if you're a homophobe." I didn't know what to say because I was gay myself, so instead I just intertwined my fingers with his and gave him a small smile.

"Calum is missing out if he can't see how amazing you are. You are amazing Michael and if he fails to realize that then he isn't worth it and there are plenty of fish in the sea."

He frowned, "but he's my nemo."

That made me smile a bit but I squeezed his hand tightly. "But still, you can find another nemo, Michael. And I promise you that he will notice you unlike Calum."

"Would that nemo be you?"

I was confused, because that isn't what I was saying at all, and his rough glaring was scaring me a bit so I just froze a bit, and suddenly, I felt something warm touch my lips.

He kissed me.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now