Chapter 39

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There it was, Calum's caller ID popping up on my phone screen. I never thought I'd be so afraid of seeing his contact appear on my iPhone, but I was. My heart was beating rapidly inside of my chest and I felt as though I was going to pass out in a matter of seconds. The phone continued to ring and I wasn't sure if I could handle the sound of his voice if I were to pick up. Just as I was about to press the red button, Ashton glanced at me with an angry expression on his face.

"Michael, things are never going to get better if you don't take a risk." I knew he was right but I didn't want to pressure myself into something I was obviously uncomfortable with. It was just hard for me to deal with something that may be seen as ridiculous and easy but it's not. Calum hurt me worse than you could imagine and I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive him. It's obvious he's still interested in Luke. I mean, why wouldn't he be? Luke is the perfect package with his perfectly quiffed blonde hair and large captivating blue eyes and his lip ring that compliments his smile. It sucks being me sometimes because Luke is the handsome one, while I feel like I'm basically nothing.

Ashton ended up pressing the green button and that only meant one thing. I was now being forced to talk and the world around me suddenly felt like everything was spinning.


"Michael," Calum whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear, but it was calming. I was expecting him to yell into the phone but he did exactly the opposite. It relieves the tension slightly but it's still there and most likely won't be gone for a while.

The other end of the phone went silent after he whispered my name. I kept the phone pressed to my ear to listen intently on anything he might have said but I wasn't getting anything except for a couple of shaky breaths coming from him. "What do you want Calum?"

"Can we go to The Eatery and talk this out?" I hummed in response because even I wasn't sure. I didn't want to face him right now after he practically lied to me about being over Luke. I know he wants to fix things but I just don't think it's going to happen. Our relationship - friendship - whatever it is has fallen apart and is nothing but a crumpled mess now. There's not a single thing that could magically make everything better again; not even him.

Ashton gave me a look that meant I should say yes. It feels as though he's making decisions for me lately but maybe that's a good thing. If I were to respond on my own, I'd most likely say no and hide in my room forever. I wouldn't be able to do that though because of our band and I care too much about our fans to randomly disappear out of nowhere.



I arrived at The Eatery not too long after the phone call. You'd think Calum and I would just walk there together due to the fact that we live in the same exact house. However, we both believe that going on our own to meet up is simply better because something could go wrong along the way.

I sighed as I walked into the quiet restaurant down the block. It's brand new and doesn't get a lot of visitors yet. Maybe the band could do something about it but even I'm not sure. I scattered over to the table where I saw Calum sitting; he was looking out the window like he was lost in thought. He truly was beautiful in my eyes and the sight of him always managed to draw a smile to my face. But I couldn't think that way about him - not now - I'm supposed to be mad at him.

I wiped the smile off of my face quickly and sat directly across from Calum in the booth. His eyes darted immediately towards me and I felt nervous again - but this time, my heart wasn't beating fast, it was breaking. The table was silent and awkward, neither of us were comfortable being there. Calum was fidgeting with something under the wooden table while I was casually looking around to avoid his gazing.

"I'm sorry."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at his choice of words. We sat in silence for a good fifteen minutes and the only words that come out of his mouth are an apology? He has nothing to be sorry for, I'm just being selfish because he likes someone that isn't me.

"For what?" I pursed out of curiosity. My hair was falling in front of my face as I spoke and just as I went to move it away, his hand swiped in front of my face and did it for me. He had a strange yet adorable smile on his face that I couldn't ignore.

"For hurting you. I never meant to do you any harm but I did and I can't take it back. So therefore, I am sorry. You deserve someone that's so much better than me." His words caused me to frown. He may have put me in a place that I didn't want to be in but that doesn't mean I deserve better. If anything, he does. I've been nothing but ignorant and selfish these past couple of weeks. It all started with a crush and ended with me falling in love along the line. Sometimes, people are meant to fall in love with eachother and not be together. If Calum wants Luke and not me, then I guess I can understand where he's coming from.

"You did hurt me and you're a total ass for that, but I forgive you."

Calum's head shot up and a smile formed on his face. "You do?"

"I do."

"Thank you, Mikey." I nodded my head to assure him to say he's welcome, and he smiled even larger after that. I wish there was a way to make this moment last forever but it's not the perfect moment. Not yet anyway.

I thought too soon when I felt his hand slowly brush up against my own. His fingers laced together with mine underneath the table and I swear in that moment, I was wrong about everything. Even the smallest thing could fix what was broken. Because actions do speak more than words and he just proved he truly meant everything he said. 


Calum and I spent around two hours at The Eatery. He ended up buying the two of us cherry pastries with hot chocolate on the side. It was a strange combination but I loved it regardless. We decided to catch up on conversations that we would've had before any of the drama happened in the band. He told me a story about how he was walking Ketchup one day and a fan came up to him, asking if he'd sign her jar of peanut butter. It made me laugh harder than I should have.

It was getting dark now and the sun had just finished setting. The boy and I were laying down on top of a grassy hill - looking up at the dark star filled sky. Everything was beautiful but it was nothing compared to Calum. That boy was pulchritudinous in my eyes and nothing would ever change that. Our fingers were locked like they were earlier and we were mumbling soft words to one another as we gazed at the stars.

"That one up there reminds me of you," Calum spoke softly, pointing to one of the stars that was a bit further in the distance.


"It shines brighter than the rest of them. If you look around, you can see that most of them are the same in size and compare equally. But if you look closely at the farthest one, it's different, just like you." Calum wasn't a hopeless romantic like me, but he did know how to make butterflies swarm around in my stomach with the slightest touch or the simple sound of words that left me feeling breathless.

"I love you."

I know he wasn't going to say it back, and I'm fine with that. Maybe he will one day and I hope that's true. He was trying to make this work and he was trying to love me the way that I love him and for that, I can't ask for anything more than his effort. Because miracle is another name of effort, and Calum is my miracle.

Sometimes the greatest relationships are the ones you never expected to be in. The ones that sweep you off your feet and challenge every view you've ever had. Life brings you unexpected things and love takes you home. Calum is my home, he's my unexpected miracle and I love him for that. He gave me the unexpected and that's all I could have ever wished for.

The End.


A/N: There will be an epilogue after this but this is the final chapter. I was really hooked on this book and I hope you guys were too. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you to everyone who has stuck around and read my stories. I really do appreciate it more than you think.

Also, if you liked this story, (and if you ship lashton or malum) you should check out my stories lost boy and road trip. They're new and I really want some new readers for them. Thank you guys again, ily all.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now