Chapter 36

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I was surprised when Calum came to me and asked if I could help him plan a blind date for Ashton and Luke. I thought it was an adorable idea and knew that they'd both appreciate it, and I'm pretty much a hopeless romantic.

It's weird to think that I am but its true. I read a lot of stories and watch a lot of movies. Sure, they may be fictional but they do get your imagination flowing and are extremely romantic.

It can be hard planning a blind date for someone else, but also not at the same time. I'd just have to find something that they both secretly like, since none of us have talked about our interests really. It's weird, since we're in a band and all.

Speaking of the band, we have an interview today. Calum offered to cancel it but I thought that was a ridiculous idea. People pay to see us and it'd be rude to turn them down. Plus there will be fans there and I love making our fans smile.

The interview is in three hours, which gives Calum and I time to go to the store. I'm a bit nervous to be alone with him again, but I doubt he's going to try to do anything stupid.

I glanced into the mirror and nodded at the reflection. I looked okay, but it was fine for now since I was going to change later anyway. My outfit was just simple for now, since we're only going to the store and the only person I want to attract is Calum but I know that'll never happen.

Speaking of Calum, he was taking a long time to get ready. It was ridiculous because we weren't going anywhere important. I sighed to myself as I sat down on the couch and waited for him. He was in the bathroom, singing and it made me smile to myself.

I loved his voice, I loved it a lot. He was singing all about you and the lyrics made my heart flutter.

Suddenly, he stopped singing halfway through, and I saw him walking out of the bathroom. He looked hot to say the least but I wasn't going to tell him that. So instead, I told him he looked nice and that we need to get going so we have enough time to set things up before the interview.

He reluctantly nodded, and the two of us headed towards his car. The car that he kissed me in last and I started feeling uncomfortable. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the kiss because I did. It was more of the fact that it was more for his advantage rather than for both of us if that makes any sense.

I stepped into the car and closed the door, shifting uncomfortably when sitting in the passenger seat. It looked like Calum noticed too, since he looked at me in guilt.

"Mikey, I'm sorry that I-"

I immediately shook my head and closed my eyes. It's not that I meant to shut him out, because I didn't, I just didn't want to think more about what happened last time we were in here.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Calum nodded in understanding and instantly started the engine so the two of us could drive to the store and forget this ever happened.

I let out a breath of relief when we arrived and the boy only chuckled when seeing that I practically jumped out of the car in excitement. It was nice to get out of there but I was mainly hyped for planning this date of theirs. Theyre going to love it, or at least I hope they will anyway.

"Okay, so what do we need first?"

I pulled out my list, then looked up at the aisle menu with a grin. "There!"


You could say planning out this blind date for Luke and Ashton took a lot of effort. Calum had spent hours convincing me and I wasn't sure if I wanted to follow through, but I can never say no to his pleading expressions.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now