Chapter 20

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Ashton wasn't joking around when he said that his plan was going to take a lot of commitment. He suggested that we would do what Michael and Luke are doing except ours would be fake while their relationship is real. I wasn't sure how I felt about this since I wanted to be with Luke and I always want to be with Luke. But I can't be with Luke if he's already taken since that's just wrong and I know he wouldn't cheat on Michael with me anyways. Cheating is wrong and I'm not the type of person to invade a relationship if they obviously love eachother. You can tell that they do by the way that they look into eachother's eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows together and looked at Ashton with a confused expression. "So how exactly do we fake a relationship?" Ashton chuckled slightly - a grin plastered on his face while he had his arms crossed. It scared me a bit, since I didn't really want to go through with this plan. But then again, if "fake" dating willl land me the guy I want then shall be it.

"Well for one we have to pretend to be interested in eachother," Ashton retorted while sitting down. I really wasn't liking this plan, since that entirely meant that I wasn't going to feel loved once again. But instead of sighing and disagreeing, I just nodded with a frown on my face. "Alright, I guess," I mumbled under my breath, not really caring about his response. This was a horrible plan and neither of us were going to like it, I could tell you that. Hopefully, it won't last long because I don't want to be with Ashton as rude as that sounds. I just want to be with Luke but he's blind and doesn't even know that I've loved him for a thousand years. Not literally, but still.

"Okay," Ashton replied with a small smile, "Let's go get some breakfast." We walked into the kitchen together and my eyes widened when seeing that Michael and Luke were already sitting down at the table, eating a weird healthy cereal with blueberries in it. "Oh goodmorning to you guys too," Luke said as we walked past them to get to the cabinets.

"Sorry, I didn't feel like saying it today," I replied with honesty since I was still hurting over the fact that he was  taken by one of my best friends. It's okay, I'm okay, or at least that's what I try telling myself everyday. Ashton and I sat down at the table with a few slices of toast on our plates and tried our best to avoid their stares.

"Where's the vegemite?" Ashton asked, and Luke only pointed towards the cabinet. I knew that if we were going to have to fake date then I would have to step up my game. "I'll get it for you, babe," I replied, then stood up to walk towards the cabinet. I felt proud of myself for being the first to make this fake relationship look real, which suceeded since Luke and Michael spit out their chewing remains into their napkins. "Did you just call Ashton babe?" Michael questioned, and his voice sounded kind of like it was in pain but I ignored it.

"Yeah I did." I walked back to the table and handed Ashton his vegemite, then I sat down feeling satisfied with myself. Michael furrowed his eyebrows while Luke just sat there with wide eyes out of confusion. "Why?"

"Why not? He is my boyfriend after all." I felt Ashton kick my foot, which only made my lips quiver the slightest bit out of a small pain. I knew that I was taking this too far and giving them information too soon but I figured that it was the right thing to do if we were going to make this seem real.

"Since when?" Luke asked, a bit taken back. I smirked to myself, but before I could start talking, Ashton placed his hand over my mouth and began talking instead. "Sorry, we weren't going to announce it for a couple of weeks, remember? But we've been together for two days. We're pretty good at hiding it."

Luke smiled slightly and gripped onto Michael's hand. "Well I guess we all found love in a hopeless place, huh?" Everyone mumbled a yeah and every single yeah sounded sad but I decided to ignore it yet again.

"Well if everyone is in a relationship here, then maybe we should all go on a double date tonight?" Luke suggested, and none of us looked happy with the idea except for him. "Unless you and Calum haven't been on a first date yet then we can wait."

Luke and Michael already went on a first date? Oh joy, they're literally the perfect couple and I'm just left in the dust as usual.

"We haven't but-"

"We can make an exception," I finished Ashton's sentence for him then smiled sadly to myself. I'm a horrible person. Luke stood up with Michael's hand in his then nodded. "Great, tonight we will double date tonight. Michael and I are going to the studio to work on a new song right now, so I will see you guys later on?"

We both nodded and watched as they both walked off. A double datre? This surely wasn't going to be fun. 

It was now seven at night and we were all in our own rooms getting ready. This was a date afterall and I wanted to at least look a little bit decent. So I put on a black top with white sleeves, black skinny jeans with a hole in the right knee, black shoes and a black snapback. It wasn't anything fancy but I knew that I looked good in it. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror then walked outside to see what the other's were wearing.

Luke had on a red flannel, black skinny jeans with two knee holes in them and it looked like he had on black high tops. Michael had on a short sleeved white vest with a red x on the back of it, black skinny jeans and black boots. Ashton had on a red bandana, a black vest over a grey shirt with words on it, black skinnies and black boots. We all looked rather nice in my opinion, and we weren't trying to look fancy or anything. Besides, fancy isn't our thing since we're punk rock as Michael says.

We all got into the car, with Ashton driving and Michael and Luke sitting in the back while I was in the passenger seat. Ashton put on some tunes and we all began dancing to it. I decided it would be a good idea to snapchat how much fun we were having and when I aimed the camera towards the back seat, Luke and Michael let go of their hands and began head bopping. It was weird how they did that but I decided to ignore it like I ignore everything else. Ignoring things creates less drama, or that's what I think at least.

"So where are we going for this double date?" I asked, and it seemed as though I was the only one who didn't know. Were they planning a surprise of some sort?

We pulled into the parking lot of a restauraunt I didn't recognize, so I just decided to follow behind them. "Reservations for four, the name is Ashton." He pulled out his I.D and showed the man at the podium, then the man nodded and began leading us to our table. I followed behind Ashton since he was my fake boyfriend afterall, then I stopped walking as we made it to where we were supposed to sit. It was a round table with four chairs and there was also a glass full of flowers and two candles aside from it. Luckily this was a homophobic free restauraunt since apparantly gay's come here all the time and nobody minds it.

"So, Luke, what do you like about Michael?" I asked, trying to break the awkwardness. It wasn't really about the awkward tension in my opinion, I just wanted to see how he felt about the boy since I know he will never feel that way about me. Luke smiled softly and looked at Michael with love-filled eyes.

'What's there not to love about him? I love everything, he's perfect in my eyes." It was a bland and boring response but it was also cute. His eyes eventually landed on Ashton though and I could see the anger bubbling up inside of him. "And what do you love about Ashton?"

I wasn't sure about that answer, so I just responded with the same thing basically. It made this double date even more awkward and I wasn't too happy about it but neither were they.

Double dates just aren't my thing, especially when I'm dating the wrong person.

A/N: hello hello hello cx. it's been nine days since i've updated wow i'm so sorry to all of you really. i havent had time since we have had parcc testing and it's so hard jfc. we're not done with it yet but it's the weekend and i woke up early as hell so i'm writing to please you all lmao. i hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was shitty.

also, i hope you guys don't mind the fact that Calum and Ashton are together now even if they aren't if that makes sense xD and the photo is what they wore in the good girls video cause wow they look so hot there ok? ok. thanks for waiting tho and reading. ilysm all of you. goodbye for now my little fritters cx.

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