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If there's one thing that the boys of five seconds of summer learned, it's that love isn't entirely a story made up about romance or conventional stories about how someone found their happily ever after. It's about finding someone that you can truly commit to and give your unconditional compassion to. It's not just a feeling that you get whenever you see them; it's more than that. When you think of love, you might imagine the butterflies you feel swarming around inside of your stomach or the way your heart speeds up whenever you're around the person you admire, but that's not how Michael, Calum, Ashton and Luke think of it.

There was once a time in their lives where love was everything. If none of the boys had it, they'd suffer and fall into a pit of melancholia. They see it differently now. When you love someone, a whole entire world is developing in front of your eyes and it's beautiful. It's beautiful to hold someone so close to your heart that you forget your own is beating. It's beautiful that you can look into that person's eyes and just know that they're everything you've been looking for.

And sure, maybe the boys have found their soul mates but there's also a chance they haven't.  But none of them cared one bit - because what they saw in front of them was good enough.

Luke had finally built up the courage to ask Ashton to be his boyfriend after countless failures in approaching him. It wasn't that big of a deal to the curly haired boy to do so first but Luke insisted he'd be the one to do it. He never would have imagined that the boy who was cuddling him on the couch a long time ago would be the boy he wakes up at sunrise for just to kiss him. It's strange how life gives us gifts that we never would have expected to receive. It all rounds up to be surprises that leave you breathless in the most unexpected times.

Ashton and Luke were sitting next to the pool with their feet dangling in the water and their hands entwined. The sun was just starting to set and it was moments like these that they'd feel the happiest. Luke glanced over at his boyfriend and smiled when the hazel eyed boy made contact with him. Everything in front of him was his and he just couldn't believe it. 



"Have you been in love before?"

"No. And to be honest, I thought I was, but now I realize what it really means to be in love."

"What does it mean?" Luke pursed, squeezing the hand of his boyfriends.

"It's something that makes me truly happy. Actually, I take that back. It's not being in love that makes me happy, it's being in love with you that makes me happy."

"That's so cheesy, but I'm in love with you too."

And it was a hundred percent true. Luke had been in love with the curly haired boy for as long as he can remember and his wish finally came true. He's glad he didn't give up and lose hope; because if he did, he wouldn't know what to expect.

The same went for Michael and Calum. Michael started to finally get used to Calum's gestures and finally forgive the boy. They weren't dating yet, which both really wanted but didn't know where to start.

So, Calum decided to finally make a move while Luke and Ashton were outside. Michael was in the kitchen cooking something that smelt amazing for everyone, while Calum planned everything out.

The boys recently invested in on chalkboard paint because they really liked the idea of drawing all over their walls. There was an empty space that nobody took up yet, so Calum used it to his advantage.

He gripped a hold of the chalk and began writing everything he wanted to say, and ended it with the most important question of all. And once he finished, he waited. He waited for Michael to step out of the kitchen and notice the writing on the wall. Calum was nervous to say the least and his heart immediately started pounding when the black haired boy walked into the room.

"What's this?" Michael asked with a fond smile slipping onto his face.

"J-Just look."

Calum stepped out of the way and allowed Michael to read over the words.

I know I'm just a teenage boy that doesn't know anything about love, or maybe I do. But I know that whenever I'm with you, I feel something that I've never felt with anyone before and I mean that too. I used to think I knew what it meant to be in love, but I was wrong. It's not about constantly wanting to see someone's face and always feeling jealous whenever they're interested in someone else. It's about loving spending time with someone who means the world to you and giving them your everything because well - they are your everything. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you really made me come to a conclusion that I want you in my life as more than a friend and I'm in love with you. So...will you be my boyfriend?

Michael felt tears forming in his eyes, but he quickly blinked them away and ran up to Calum and pulled him into a hug. "Yes," the boy whispered with another smile tucking at his lips and Calum felt shivers crawling down his spine at the thought of having his best friend becoming his boyfriend. It finally happened.

"By the way, that was corny as hell, but it means the world to me, just like you."

"Shut up and kiss me."

And that's exactly what happened. They shared their first actual realistic kiss that wasn't in a car and filled with absolutely no meaning. It meant something this time - it meant happiness - it meant home - it meant love.

And love always gives you unexpected things, five seconds of summer can prove that - and they'd be happy to tell that story as well.


A/N: it's over. the unexpected is officially officially over. thanks to everyone who read and i'm sorry this final chapter didn't turn out how I wanted it to but I still like it. love you all, please vote and comment since it is the end of the story and I really want to know what everyone thought of the story. okay, goodbye now. thank you so so so so much.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now