Chapter 21

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I'm not over Ashton, not yet anyway. I still have large feelings for him and all, but I'm slowly starting to love Michael. He's a great boyfriend, and I know that we were doing it just to make the others jealous but it's a brilliant idea. However, I never expected to have any feelings for Michael whatsoever. He's adorable like a kitten and I love that about him, I really do. I'm starting to love all of his flaws and imperfections, his insecurities and his admirations, but I never expected that I would. I thought that I could only love that about Ashton but I was wrong. Michael is amazing and he helps me forget any pain I felt from loving Ashton to begin with.

"So what are we going to do today, kitten?" I asked Michael with a smile on my face. He was laying down on my lap while playing with my fingers, then he glanced up at me with those adorable green eyes of his. "Well, I was wondering if we could go to the pet shop?" The innocence in his voice made me smile. I nodded slightly then he leaned up and began clapping his hands. I admired how adorable he was.

I could see that Calum was glaring at me slightly, which only made me feel uncomfortable. "What are you and Ashton going to do today?" I asked curiously, and he only gritted his teeth slightly. "Nothing, because we're not even fucking together."

Michael and I both looked over at him in confusion, then we saw Ashton gulping down and biting his lip slightly. "You guys broke up?" Ashton chuckled fakely and grabbed Calum's hand. "No we didn't, he's just mad because I didn't make him breakfast today, aren't you?" Calum looked angry but he only nodded and looked down. At least they're together, that's what matters.

Michael stood up and held out his hand to help me up. I could easily stand up myself but it was cute how he always wanted to help others. That's just one of the many things I love about him. I glanced over at the two lovebirds across from us and noticed that they were hugging for a long time, so I smiled slightly even though I felt a bit of pain inside. They were adorable, and I still want to be with Ashton but I know I can't. It's wrong and I'm with Michael now. Besides, I wouldn't just leave Michael for someone else, I'm not that kind of person.

Michael and I entwined our fingers and began walking towards the door, but before we exited the house, I waved awkwardly to Cashton. We were going to go to the pet store, since Michael desperately wanted to see the animals. It was quite admiring how fascinated he was with animals. It was like he was an expert on it, and I can't deny that.

We made our way towards the pet shop that was just a few blocks away and we didn't let go of our hands once since we were walking. I really enjoyed holding his hand for some reason, I never wanted to stop. We were stuck at a few lights since cars were going and they wouldn't let passengers walk but eventually we arrived and Michael was overly excited. He yanked me inside of the pet shop and both of us ignored the stares coming from people.

A few awkward girls were staring at us, two of them were smiling, one was cringing and another one just had a black stare. It made me slightly uncomfortable but that was okay. Michael pulled me towards the first kennel and we saw a group of adorable kittens. Half of them were grey and the other half of them were black. They reminded me of Michael; not because of the color or size of course but because they were genuinly adorable and I couldn't help myself. Michael pointed to an orange cat that looked slightly old and grumpy and he told me it reminded him of Ashton. It made me chuckle, since it was just a joke anyways and it was kind of funny, since Ashton is the oldest in the band and he's been grumpy lately.

We then walked over to the kennel with the turtles and Michael kept trying to poke at them, but each time he would put his hand near the glass, the pet store lady would yell that we weren't allowed to touch them. Michael started frowning and pretending to cry, but I gently pulled him away towards where the puppies were.

"Lukey, can we get a puppy?"


I didn't know why he was asking that. We don't even have time to raise a dog since we're a band and all, and with the tours coming up and concerts and such, we wouldn't even have the chance to spend time with the poor thing. Not only that, but I'd feel bad for the person we would have to pay to watch it, because then the dog would warm up to the sitter more than the actual owners itself and I don't want that. "I don't know Mikey, don't you think that's a bad idea?"

He pulled the sleeves up from his sweater and put it over his mouth, then shook his head slightly. It was so adorable, it just made my heart melt. He then gave me these big puppy eyes, so I sighed and nodded. "Okay, we'll get a puppy but don't tell Calum and Ashton. They'll flip their shit if they even find out we did this without them."

He nodded with a big smile on his face and began jumping up and down. "Which one do you want?" He pointed to one of the cutest in the kennel, so I gestured the lady over to help us pick it out and she was glad to help. The things you do for love.


We stepped inside of our house and immediately, the puppy ran in before us. Michael and I walked into the living room with entwined hands where Calum and Ashton were and instantly, they were looking at the puppy like it was some sort of intruder.

Calum stood up from the couch and kneeled down, then began petting the adorable animal. He was making weird noises and talking to it like it was his best friend, and I felt pretty happy.

"What's it's name?"

"We don't have one for him yet," Michael assured Ashton, who seemed amusingly curious about this whole entire thing. I wanted to name him Murphy or Elfa, but Michael thought those names were weird and awkward.

"We should name it Ketchup," Ashton said, and the three of us laughed, but then we noticed he wasn't laughing with us. "Wait, seriously?" I questioned, while shaking my head. What kind of person would name their dog Ketchup, but then again, people name their dogs oreo or even sandwich. I had a friend who named their dog Bae-con, it was weird as hell.

I giggled at the name Ketchup, it could work for him. Ashton had these super hopeful eyes and of course I couldn't say no to him since I still have feelings for him.

"Ketchup it is."

Ashton clapped his hands as though he was a retarded seal and gave me a 'thank you' smile. I smiled back while nodding my head, then wrapped my arm around Michael. We have a new member of the family, and maybe Ketchup can bring us closer than we were before.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now