Chapter 31

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I woke up with tears welling in my eyes. Did that actually happen last night? I love Ashton, I really love Ashton. I just don't understand. Michael likes Calum and Calum likes Michael, or so I thought. I rubbed my eyes in confusion as I sat up and glanced at my hands.

I'm ashamed of myself. I just let Calum take advantage of me like that. This is why you can't met me get drunk. I may be one of the sweetest people alive when I'm drunk, but I also can't control anything either. I'm so confused about everything, and now I'm here thinking about what Calum did to me last night, in the bathroom of an Italian restaurant. The fact that nobody heard us either confuses me.

Just as I was thinking about it, Calum walked in with a plate full of oatmeal, toast and eggs. I glanced at him oddly, then watched as he set the breakfast on my bed.

"Good morning babe," Calum mumbled, unfolding the napkin so I could use it. Babe? When did all of this happen? I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming then I shook my head.

"What the hell happened last night, Calum?"

He chuckled and leaned forward, placing a kiss against my lips. I pushed him off immediately and glared at him. "I'm going to ask you again, what the hell happened last night, Calum?" The boy gulped down and placed his hand on the back of his neck.

"Something happened last night? I just remember eating Italian food with our friends." Luke furrowed his eyebrows, he knows he wasn't dreaming. This had to have happened. "No, stop trying to twist my mind, you know what happened last night. You-you sucked me off."

"And you liked it."

"No I didn't."

"Stop denying it."

"Okay, I did, but why the hell did you do it, Calum? You're supposed to be with Michael!"

Calum rolled his eyes and chuckled with a fake tone. "Yup, I'm supposed to be with Michael, just like how you're supposed to be with Ashton. But are you?"

I crossed my arms. "I was going to ask him out last night and you just ruined it." Calum felt a pang in his chest, after all he did he still doesn't want him How pathetic. He rolled his eyes once again and brushed off the pain. "Well I'm glad I ruined it then!"

I just sat back and bit down on my lip. So, now I know this wasn't a dream. I placed my hand on my neck to calm himself down, but then I freaked out when feeling something weird on it. I tried screaming, thinking it was a bug or something, but Calum just pushed me down to get me to shut up. "It's just a hickey, not a freaking Spider. Chill your nuts."

I frowned and looked down. Great, so he still doesn't want Calum. "Wow Luke, so I really did all of that and you still don't appreciate me at all? You still don't want me?" I looked just as confused as I was last night, but I was also extremely frustrated and I didn't like it. "No, stop, just stop. None of this adds up, Calum! You like Michael?" I was questioning myself now and it only made him sigh.

"I never liked Michael, at least I don't think I did. I've always liked you, idiot, always, that's why I did all of that last night, to see if you'd finally want me back. To see if I could win you over before Ashton did."

"That's a shitty way to win someone over, then." Luke had a point and I knew he was right, but I just couldn't accept it. I wasn't going to let him win this argument, I needed to be right. "But-" "No! What you did last night wasn't okay! That was lust Calum, not love! And that will never be love."

It was hurting Calum to hear him say all of these things. Why did he have to go and do all of that, just knowing he wouldn't even feel the same? He thought it would work and it didn't. It didn't work at all. "Well to me, it was me showing you how much I love you. But you don't see that, do you? You think I want Michael? No, I've never wanted Michael and I never will. He's not my type and I don't like him that way! I don't want him! I want you Luke!"

Before I could say anything, the door creeped open and there stood an angry, teary eyed Michael. "Glad to know that's how you felt all along. And to think, I was going to forgive you."

My heart broke. He literally used Michael, he used him to get me and I feel horrible. He was going to forgive Calum and he just screwed it all up. Calum screws everything up because he's a failure.


"Baby huh? No, fuck you Calum. And fuck you Luke, for letting him to that to you. Fuck both of you. It seems like Ashton and I are the only ones left who didn't try to break someone's heart on purpose! I can't believe you used me, and I-I never want to see either of you again."

He was going to have to see us anyway, but that wasn't the point. He was obviously crushed and he did that to him. Who am he?

Calum laughed. "He thinks we're never going to see him again."

I wasn't laughing, I was pissed. "Just get out, Calum. You fucked up my friendship with Michael, and I suggest you get out before you fuck up my chance with Ashton as well." Calum pouted and shook his head. "Seriously asshole? I made you breakfast and-"

"I don't care! Just get out and leave us all alone! You ruined everything just because you're selfish! So go and leave! I don't care!"

He walked out of his room and leaned against the door. He really did ruin everything, didn't he?


A/N: okay this story has a lot of dialogue. sorry. thanks for reading, voting, commenting and more, ily guys sooo much and thanks for getting this book to 8k. maybe we'll get it to 10k soon? i sure hope so, i'd smile so big. byeee guys <3 :D

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