Chapter 26

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I felt terrible. In fact, I felt more than terrible. I've been so busy focusing on my own issues that I haven't even paid attention to the one who was hiding his pain the most in this band, Luke. When he threw his song book at me, I didn't know what to expect. I wanted to know how the songs he wrote sounded but it slightly worried me because they were about me and I never knew how he felt. I've been so focused on pretending to date Calum while trying to win Michael over that I didn't even see my best friend suffering. He probably wants nothing to do with me now.

I ran my fingers through my hair as Calum sang the lyrics while Michael played the guitar. The song lyrics were so meaningful and I didn't know how to feel about it. All I knew was that it made me feel horrible about myself and I wanted to make it up to Luke. I'm not the kind to disappoint people, I just make mistakes like everyone else in the world. As Calum and Michael sat close together to look into the notebook, I stood up and decided to sneak out of the recording studio to find the boy. We needed to talk and neither of us were going to blow this off because it was more important than it seemed in all honesty.

"Luke?" I continued to call out his name in a questioning tone as I walked around our place. He couldn't have left, I know he isn't like that. He's more of the type to hide though so he has to be somewhere around here. I kept walking around in circles basically, yelling but also having moments where I stayed silent to see if I could hear him breathing. When I thought I found him, I walked towards the sound but it only ended up being Ketchup playing with his rubber toy. I sighed and picked Ketchup up while chuckling quietly. "Oh Ketchup, you had me thinking that you were Luke this whole time. Silly, silly dog." The only thing Ketchup did was crinkle his nose and it was adorable. I put him down then continued to walk and look for the boy.

After searching for what felt like hours, I eventually found him sitting with his back against a large plant we have next to our stairs. He wasn't cradling his body like he usually was but he was looking down at his fingers. I couldn't hear any sniffling for that matter but he could've been holding it in. After contemplating on moving towards him or not, I decided to walk up to him and he attempted to get up when seeing my figure in front of him.

"Please leave me alone." His voice cracked slightly and it broke my heart. He didn't deserve any of this pain but I also don't deserve to be pushed away. I never knew and he didn't tell me. That's a pretty reasonable excuse so he shouldn't tell me to leave him alone. I simply shook my head and crossed my arms. "No Luke, we need to talk and I'm not leaving until we have a conversation about what the hell just went down."

He sighed then placed his hands on his knees. "Then I'll leave for you." He tried getting up but I only pushed him back down with my hand. I wasn't going to let him leave until we sorted things out. He's my best friend and I deserve an explanation. "Talk to me, Luke."

He shook his head. "What exactly do you want me to talk to you about? I asked you to leave me alone and that's all you're getting out of me." He was hesitating and keeping so many things from me. Luke isn't like this, he's never been like this and I don't understand.

I placed my hand on my neck out of frustration and licked my chapped lips. He wasn't going to talk to me, so I might as well just say what I need to say then leave as he wishes. "Fine, but I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry that I didn't know you had feelings for me and the song you wrote about me is amazing. Now I'll leave you alone."

I stood up, expecting him to not reply with a single word, but instead he spoke out with curiosity. "It was amazing?" He sounded genuinely happy about my small compliment - which made me smile. I nodded while turning around, then pointed over to the studio where the boys were. "We've been playing it for a while now and they're in there trying to dig deeper into the message. It's really phenomenal to us."

Luke smiled but then he immediately went back to frowning. "Thanks."


"What does this even mean?"

Michael wouldn't stop asking questions about the song lyrics. I knew what some of it meant, but not all. Luke was really talented at writing songs and he kept this from us for a long time. It could've been a hit and it still can, which is why I think that we should release it. The only problem with that is since it's Luke's song, we want him to sing it but we aren't sure if he's willing to record it. Especially since it's so personal.

I was going to go ask him, but I knew that wasn't the best idea. He never forgave me, but at least I apologized and that's what's important. I remember my mum taught me that people are going to hold grudges in life, but as long as you did what was right, then the fault is only on them. So, if Luke wants to hold a grudge against me then it's completely fine. I just don't want to lose him as a best friend.

Calum decided that he was going to ask Luke if he would record it. He knew that the boy was down in the dumps but he suggested he would since he was close with him anyway. While Calum left the studio to go speak with Luke, Michael and I were left alone. There was going to be some awkward tension between us.

Michael wasn't speaking to me, he was just strumming his guitar and trying his hardest not to look at me. It made me feel bad and I was starting to regret kissing him in the first place.

"Um hi," I said casually, trying to end the awkwardness between us. Michael only glanced up at me with his puppy eyes, then back down at the song book without replying. I sighed heavily and glanced outside. "It's a nice day, don't you think?" I was being boring, but it was the only thing I could look for. Michael usually loves the weather and it fascinates him, but he only hummed in response and continued to ignore my presence.

"Why aren't you speaking to me?" I questioned briefly, feeling ashamed because I knew the answer. He stopped strumming his guitar and rested his fingers on his top three strings. "You kissed me, Ashton."

I gulped down nervously and glanced the opposite way. "I know and I'm sor-" "No," Michael interrupted, "You broke Luke and I up, but it doesn't matter since he's in love with you anyway."

That just made me feel even worse. Maybe things would've been better if I was never in the way and let everyone be with who they wanted. Stupid me.


A/N: Hiiiiiieeeeee cx i'm so bored guys honestly but whatever cause like i am going to the all time low concert tonight and i cant wait bc state champs and tonight alive and issues and all time low nhaihihudh yay. but what sucks is that my friend and i had this plan to get there at 12 (in like......2 hours) and it's been raining for literally a week and thundering and lightning and my mom wont let us stand in the rain when we're going to have to anyway so like???? ugh and I have a pancho and umbrella but whatevs.... but yeah thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed this chapter. sorry so much drama i know but yeah ily guyssss bye :)

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