Chapter 2

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Luke and Calum are my best friends and I don't know what I would do without them. I know that I can always count on them for anything and they're like brothers to me. Michael on the other hand, he's something else.

He's more than a friend to me. I've been crushing on him for a while now but I've never had the guts to admit it to him. I'm not even sure if he feels the same way about me, mostly because nobody ever does.

I've never been liked back, aside from the time that I had a girlfriend but things just didn't work out between us. I wasn't feeling the connection, I wasn't feeling in love period.

When her and I would kiss, it didn't have a meaning. To her, she probably thought it was special but as sad as it sounds, I didn't. It just felt like am average kiss that some random girl I didn't have feelings for gave me.

I knew I liked her a little bit but it was one of the smallest crushes I've ever had. It wasn't strong, it wasn't really anything and I mainly dated her because I was hoping that it would help me move on from Michael but it didn't. It only made my feelings for him stronger.

Michael has always given me feelings that I've never experienced before. He makes me feel all tingly inside and I just can't help myself when I'm around him. Michael is the boy of my dreams and I honestly love him so much.

"Where is Mikey?" I asked Luke while cuddling him, and he simply shrugged and sighed. "I don't know, why do you always ask me that?"

Its a habit of mine, asking where Michael is. I just can't help it. All I ever want to know is where he is, what he's doing and why he isn't doing something with me. He's just on my mind twenty four seven and I can't help but wonder.

"I don't know, he's just one of my best friends and its weird that he isn't here," I retorted, shrugging. Of course that wasn't the reason reason but I wasn't going to admit to Luke that I love Michael.

Like he would probably tease me about it and then he would tell Michael and I'd be embarrassed for the rest of my life. Chances are that if Michael ever found out how I felt about him, I'd move to Africa and never return.

"Hey bitches, the queen is here," Calum stated, walking into the room. I looked up at him and squirmed a bit before getting off of Luke. I didn't want Calum to get the wrong impression but it seemed as though he already did by the glare he was giving me.

"What the hell, why were you two cuddling?" He asked us, shaking his head in annoyance with furrowed eyebrows.

"We were cuddling because we are men that are growing facial hair and its a free country," Luke replied, chuckling.

"Now that we're men, we have facial hair, now that we're men, I changed my underwear," Calum started singing soon after Luke replied, which lead us to all break into the song.

"Okay, I don't know what kind of weird madness I just walked into but all I know is that I want to join the tribe." We all stopped singing and turned around and spotted Michael who was leaning against the door with a grin on his face.

Seeing him made my cheeks turn red so I quickly covered them with my hands and once I felt normal again, I ran towards him shouting, "Mikey!"

We were all laughing, except for Luke who had a frown plastered on his face. He was sitting on the couch with his feet kicked up on the stool and his arms were crossed. "I see, nobody greets me like that."

Aw, poor Luke. He's my best friend and he doesn't deserve to feel like that, so I tugged him off of the couch and tackled him to the ground, while laughing.

"Ashton, get off!" He shouted as nicely as possible and soon enough, I felt someone pulling me off of him. Luke leaned up and wrapped his hand around his ankle while rocking back and fourth, saying, "You almost broke my foot."

You said that nobody ever greets you like that so be thankful that I even showed you some Ashton love, like damn boo boo.

"Okay okay, I changed my mind, you guys aren't weird, you're just idiots," Michael stated, laughing. I decided to laugh with him because he did have a point and I wanted to see how our laughs sounded in sync.

His was so adorable and mine just wasn't but that doesn't change anything because hearing his takes my mind off of how annoying I think mine is. "Alright, alright, enough laughing," Calum mumbled while walking over to the couch where Luke was sitting.

Michael sat down on the chair, across from the couch so I just decided to sit in front of him on the floor so that he could play with my hair. Its normal, we're all friends and we all play with eachother's hair, but its more magical when Michael plays with mine.

He ran his fingers through my curls and began messing up my hair while staring at Calum intently. I never understood why he did that but maybe it was because of the faces the boy always made.

"So, who's ready for the performance on Ellen tomorrow night?" Luke exclaimed and all of us started shouting memememe.

We can't help it sometimes, we all get too excited for things. You might find us insane for that but who cares because we are insane.

"Its going to be so much fun, I can't wait to sing good girls," Michael replied while twirling his fingers in one of my curls.

"She's a good girl," I started singing.

"She's daddy's favorite," Michael continued.

"He saved for Harvard," Luke added.

"She knows he'll make it," Calum finished.

We all chuckled then continued singing until we got bored of it. These were the times that I loved, spending time and being silly with my best friends and the love of my life, Michael Clifford.

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