Chapter 35

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I don't deserve Michael's forgiveness in all honesty, but I'm glad he found the courage to accept my mistakes. I know it was wrong of me, and I feel guilty over that. All Michael has been asking for is a chance and I just keep leading him on. I guess what I'm trying to say is I shouldn't have kissed him in the car that night. Of course I wanted to make things right with him but that wasn't the way to do it. 

I sighed to myself as usual when realizing all of the mistakes I've made. I don't want to use some bullshit excuse, such as I was young and stupid because I'm still young and stupid just like everyone else. If anything, that's not an excuse and I deserve nothing but hatefulness from anyone and everyone, especially Michael and Luke. I knew Luke didn't like me from the start and I wouldn't let go of the idea in my head of getting him to be mine. Sometimes, I think that if you flirt with someone enough, they'll eventually grow feelings but now that I thought about it some more, I realized that I just come off as annoying and I have no right to assume that.

If Luke is happy with Ashton, or will be, then I need to accept that. It's not like it's going to kill me. It hurts of course, but that's what love does. Love gets ripped away from you once you think you have it and you end up with this rough pang in your chest, showing you that your heart is slowly breaking. It's happened to me a couple times before, but I don't bother counting. People are going to break your heart, and sometimes, it's a good thing even if it's extremely painful. Because they're an example of what you shouldn't like, or be with in the future.

I'm glad I made up with Michael though, because maybe now he can give me a chance and I can try to find an interest in him. He's a wonderful guy and one of my best friends, so I don't see why I can't try. But unfortunately, the heart wants what it wants and hopefully it'll choose someone who loves me, and that someone may just be Michael.

I was standing in front of the refrigerator with a mug of coffee in my hand. Coffee isn't exactly my favourite thing, but I drink it when I'm feeling down or need an energy boost. I didn't sleep well last night, and I need to fix things with Luke now. The only person I don't need to fix things with is Ashton, except there is still that slightly awkward tension between us from when we pretended to date. I guess there is something that needs to be fixed then.

There was only a small amount of coffee left, so I quickly gulped it down then put the mug in the sink. I'm not on dishes duty, so I could care less about putting it in the dishwasher at the moment. I licked my lips to get the coffee taste off of them, then I headed towards Luke's room. At first, I was afraid to knock due to what went down last time. However, I needed to grow some balls and do this. It was for our friendship, for the band and for the fans. The fans would be upset if they knew we were growing apart and I can't let that happen. I know Luke still cares about me deep down, so I can't let that go down the drain.

I opened the door and saw Luke laying on his bed with one leg crossed over the other, his phone in his hand. I assumed he was scrolling through Twitter and tweeting or following some of the fans to surprise them. My heart was pounding inside of my chest and my legs started trembling. I need to do this before it's too late.

So, I walked over to the boy and poked his side casually when he didn't look at me, and that just made things worse since he looked at me with a scowl.

"What the fuck do you want now?"

"Luke, listen-"

"I don't want to listen to someone who touched me without my permission. That was basically assault Calum, and and- you're supposed to be my best friend."

I looked down and frowned. It wasn't assault, because he was letting it happen. Sure, we were both drunk but I'd never assault anyone. I'm not that type of person. Plus, he made it seem like he wanted it more than I did.

I let out a shaky breath and put my hands in my pockets to stop myself from shaking. This is what happens when I start shaking and it's pretty stupid. "I am-was your best friend, I think. I know what I did was wrong, I wasn't thinking properly and I'm an idiot."

Luke chuckled a bit, but then went back to his typical glare to show he was still angry. "You sure are."

"Hey! Only I can call myself an idiot."


I needed to find a way to make him lighten up a bit. He's still angry, so maybe I can try to be a good friend and turn that angry face into a happy face. "What are you reading?"

He moved his phone more away from me and continued typing. "Nothing, it's none of your business."

"Actually I think it is." I know it wasn't, but I was trying to get him to trust me again. So, being the idiot I am, I grabbed his phone and began reading what he was looking at and or typing. He kept trying to take the phone from me but I wouldn't let him. This seemed important since he was being secretive and he's NEVER secretive, even if he's mad at someone.

Everyday I wake up, I realize that I'll never have him and no matter how hard I try, he will never love me back. 

I furrowed an eyebrow at the words, then handed Luke his phone back, by which he quickly pressed the off button and looked down. "Who was that about?"

"Not you."

"Rude. But I don't care. Seriously, tell me."

"I don't trust you. I'll never trust someone who takes advantage of me when I'm drunk."

I didn't take advantage of him. He was letting it happen. So, that's not taking advantage, or is it?

"Luke, look me in the eye and tell me who that was about."

He bit down on his lip and looked hesitant, but even I know he can't keep something like this from me. He always gives in, and can't say no. It's not a good thing, but he also knows we're all here for him no matter what.


I should've known it was about him. I tried to ignore the pain I felt when he said that, but I just gave him a fake smile and rubbed his back. "Hey hey, it's okay. That's not a fun way to wake up though."

Luke chuckled slightly, but even I knew it wasn't real. It was filled with sadness and he looked like he was going to cry.

"I didn't mean it that way." God Calum, stop being such an idiot. "I have an idea."

Luke looked at me with confused eyes. "I'll set you up on a date with him."

His mouth curved into a large smile with teeth showing and everything, but then he frowned. "He wouldn't say yes to going on a date with me. It's already obvious he likes Michael."

"But Michael likes me, not him. So therefore, he may say yes."

"He won't."

Luke was making this extremely difficult. "Okay, how about a blind date then? I'll plan a date for you two, with Michael's help of course, and we'll set you two up together without him even knowing."

He smiled, and his sad eyes turned into those pretty blue eyes that I love looking into. "Really, you'd do that for me?"

At first, I was hesitant, but then I nodded with a smile. "I'll do anything for you if it makes you happy."

"Thank you Calum, thank you! This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me!"

"Glad to see you're not mad at me anymore."

"Oh, I am, just not right now."

I guess I can accept that. Now, onto planning this date. This certainly won't be easy at all. And I won't like doing it either.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now