Chapter 13

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I wasn't sure how I felt about this whole idea of going to a party. Anthony, I remember him, but I never exactly liked him. He was always a trouble maker, getting involved in other people's business and he meddled a lot, especially when asked not to. Anthony never knew how to solve his own problems without doing something entirely idiotic, and he often came to me when he needed something. It kind of felt like we weren't even really friends, but he was always close with Calum.

I didn't want to go, but I promised the other boys I would. They're right, it could be fun but I'm already starting to have a bad feeling about this. Usually, when you get that feeling in your gut, you should trust it, but I've been ignoring it a lot lately.

The party was starting in about an hour, and we still had to stop at the store because Calum promised Anthony he'd bring some beers and chips, because what would a party be without alcohol? I wasn't thrilled about the idea, so I decided that I would keep all of the boys in sight for as long as I can. I threw on something simple; black skinny jeans, a plaid button up top with a dark black jacket that can zip up. It didn't look great, but I wasn't going to impress anyone.

The other boys were downstairs, waiting for me to finish getting dressed, which all I had left to do was quiff up my hair and adjust my lip piercing. I knew we were on a time schedule, so I was trying to hurry.

"Luke, let's go!" Calum shouted from downstairs, so I quickly grabbed the product off of the shelf and applied it into my hair, forming it up into a quiff. Then, I walked into my room and grabbed my piercing off of the lamp stand, and placed it on my lip while walking out.

"I'm coming," I retorted, while walking down the stairs. They all looked rather nice, with Michael wearing a leather jacket and a red shirt underneath, Calum wearing a blue short sleeved shirt and Ashton wearing a Nirvana tee. All of us were wearing black skinny jeans of course, since that's all you'll ever see us in.

Ashton rushed outside first, claiming that he wanted to be the one to drive which made Calum shake his head. Calum was the one who owned the car, and he 'didn't want him to damage his baby.'

Michael shook his head as Calum shouted that to Ashton, then yelled through the door, "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the size of your ego."

It made me chuckle, which made Michael look at me with a confused expression, so I just stopped and walked out ahead of him with my head low, then I hopped into the back seat of Calum's red car.

And of course, Calum was in the drivers seat and Ashton had shotgun, which meant that Michael and I were going to have to sit together. How nice.

Michael hopped into the backseat with me soon enough, and I sighed to myself as I looked out the window. The sky was sunny, clear and blue, not a single cloud forming around it. I always enjoyed looking out the window because it seemed beautiful and all. All of the boys noticed that I was being awfully quiet, so Calum decided to put on some tunes. The first thing that started playing on his phone once he placed the aux chord in the headphone slot, was "Barbie Girl" by Aqua. I could hear Michael and Ashton starting to sing while Calum freaked out and quickly changed it, his cheeks a bright pink once it switched songs.

We all listened to his music until we arrived at the store, occasionally dancing and singing. Calum parked towards the front, since he didn't want to have to walk so far and I couldn't really blame him in all honesty. Calum was the first to get out, then Ashton, so Michael and I got out at the same time and watched as Calum locked the doors. "Alright, let's go."

I walked ahead of all of them into the store, then headed straight for the aisle with the chips in it once I got there. Ashton followed me quickly to help choose, while Michael and Calum both went to get two packs of beer. Anthony wanted us there early, but I already knew that we were going to arrive later than he expected. I finally found the aisle with the good chips, and Ashton just grabbed a bag of plain potato chips. Those were never that good to me, since there were better ones but I guess he was going to have dips or something. Ashton offered to hold the bag, so I just nodded since I didn't really feel like talking and we walked back to where Michael and Calum were, standing in line.

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now