Chapter 1

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When I was a young boy, I asked my teacher what love was. She simply replied, "Love can not be measured, weighed or categorized. Love is there, withen your very eyes. Love is not a passing phase, that quickly can be lost. It's rooted deep within you, no matter at what cost. Love is an emotion, of which there will be many. A deep down heart felt potion, poisoned by splendour, not given to just any. Love is everything that you wish to share, feelings of triumph for whom you really care. Love, it can be stormy, like the wild tormented sea, elements of fury you may sometimes see. Love is like no other, for it belongs to you, and when you grow up to love as much as I, you'll know that love is true."   (Credits to the writer of this poem, I really love it and I had to use it.)

It took me years to understand what it still meant, and when I turned twelve, I thought I knew what it was. I had met a wonderful girl who in my opinion was extremely beautiful. My favorite thing about her was her personality. She was always nice to everyone she met, even if they weren't nice in return. That's what I loved; how she didn't care about what anyone thought of her, how she was willing to do anything for anyone and how she wouldn't let anything stand in her way.

I thought that was love, but I was wrong. Now I'm eighteen and I am just barely starting to understand the true meaning of it. It took a lot to kiss a lot of girls and go on dates with people I didn't like but wanted to get to know, but eventually, I figured it out. Someone helped me though, and that someone is named Ashton Irwin.

Yes, Ashton, my best friend. Just out of nowhere, one day, I started getting strange feelings. When he would laugh, I'd feel my stomach coruppting with butterflies, and whenever I was around him, I felt my knees going weak, and whenever the boy would talk, my heart would stop, yet I still laughed to pretend it wasn't happening even if what he said wasn't funny at all. It just happened, randomly.

"Lukey," Ashton stated, walking towards me while twirling a pair of drumsticks in his hand. His hair was slightly messy and his lips were a light shade of pink, extremely pale looking. He had on one of my plaid tops that's big on him which I find extremely adorable, and he accescorized it with black jeans that have holes in them, and a few bracelets on his arms that represented his favorite bands.

"Yes?" I pursed, looking into his gorgeous hazel green eyes that I can never seem to pull myself away from. He's just my addiction and I can't help but stare. It's like looking at the moonlight and the stars, it's so beautiful and you just want to gaze at it forever. That's how I feel with Ashton.

"I found this new song and I think that you might like it," He retorted, walking towards the stereo that us boys all share. He placed the aux chord inside of the headphone hole on his phone, then seconds later, an amazing song started playing.

Life's so dark when everyday is a struggle

why go out and see the world on fire?

Don't let your mindset become what controls you

Speak right now and make a choice to grow.

This didn't seem like the type of song that Ashton would listen to, but then again, he listens to songs that relate to him reguardless of the genre. "It's really good," I stated while continuing to listen to the lyrics.

I won't let pain get in my way

I can have silence claiming me

We have strenth in numbers, strenth in numbers

To get through the day

No compromises to be made, this is a war we're gonna win

We have strength in numbers, strength in numbers

The Unexpected (Lashton, Malum, Muke, Cake, Mashton and Cashton) Where stories live. Discover now