Chapter 22

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Ever since Ketchup joined the family, the band has been a lot happier. We all started talking again just like how we used to be. I can talk to Luke and Michael now without feeling awkward and Calum and I are also growing closer. We established that we could try an actual relationship and if it doesn't work out in the first week, then we can end it. The only problem I have with that is that I grow attached to people quickly and I don't want to feel attached to Calum in a matter of a few days if it doesn't work out. I just wish we had what Michael and Luke had; their relationship is so real and pure while ours is just fake and based off of desperate emotions and jealousy.

Luke and Michael were out having a date at the arcade while Calum and I were just at our house watching over the puppy. It was nice since we recieved the chance to play with him but I was also kind of sad that the whole band wasn't here. Michael and Luke have been somewhat distant lately since they keep going on so many dates and it bothers me the slightest bit. I admit that they're cute together and I wouldn't try to come in the way of their relationship but sometimes I wish that they were never together in the first place. I wanted Michael before Luke did so he basically stole him from me and I hate that more than anything.

Calum stood up from the floor and walked towards me with his arms out. He then wrapped his arms awkwardly around my body and squeezed me tightly. His head was tilted slightly over my neck, until he adjusted it so that it was symmetrical to my ear. He then moved his lips towards my ear and began whispering something. "I know this isn't what either of us wanted, but I think we should at least try to act like a couple? We agreed on a week, so why are we wasting our time not doing anything loving?"

I shrugged my shoulders and allowed him to keep holding onto me. The truth was that I didn't know why I didn't want to do anything loving. Maybe it was because I just wasn't feeling it at all or whatever, but it could have also been something else. I still want to be with Michael, so it's kind of hard to pretend to love Calum when I clearly don't. The only thing I can do at the moment is try, I just don't want to try so hard to the point where it actually becomes real.

Calum let go of me slowly then sat next to me and scooted awfully close. He kept squeezing his palms nervously and it made me chuckle slightly. I then brushed my thumb across his hand and entwined our fingers. It was just something little I wanted to try and surprisingly, I liked it. It wasn't Michael's hand, that was for sure, but it sure was close to it. My hands were bigger than his of course but I didn't mind because it was really comforting and something I needed to lift some of the pain I was feeling off of my chest.

We held hands for a while, without saying anything to eachother until Ketchup ran towards the door and started barking. It was adorable how his little tag started wagging in a fast motion to show that he was excited. It meant that Luke and Michael were home, since that always happens with Ketchup and the two boys. The dog really loves all of us and gets easily excited which is the most adorable thing in the world.

Luke stepped in the door first with his hand in Michael's as he pulled his boyfriend forward, then Michael closed the door behind him and the two of them began walking towards us as though they were in a rush. "So while we were out, our manager called and he asked if we could do a performance for a couple of fans a few blocks away from here at around two in the afternoon," Luke commented, sounding hopeful. It sounded fun and we haven't sung together in a while now so it would be kind of nice.

"Let's do it," Calum and I said in sync, then we both looked at eachother in admiration for some reason.


We were sitting outside on concrete stairs with our instruments. Michael, Luke and Calum all had their acoustic guitars while I had my drumming box. It was kind of chilly out so we were all wearing cozy clothes and I was quite excited to perform even if it meant that I was going to get sick.

A few fans started gathering around where we were sitting and I was happy to be here since they didn't look like the kind of fans who could afford to go to one of our concerts. If I had extra tickets, I would give them some and tell them that they deserve them and that they were just spare but I unfortunately don't. Michael had a bright smile on his face as he began strumming his acoustic guitar.

"So the first song we're going to be doing is called Beside You. It's uh, about being in love with someone who's far away, and you just wish you could be beside them really," Luke said, with an awkward laugh following after. It was kind of adorable with the way he laughed but I immediately brushed away that thought and began hitting the drum with my hands. This was one of my favorite songs to play but it always made me sad because to me, it wasn't about a relationship about being distant. It was more of wanting to be beside someone you love, but you can't because they're with someone else or you know you'll never be able to and I hated that.

Calum immediately began singing and I adored the way his voice was so soft. It was hard to sing with the wind blowing so roughly but he sounded really nice. After the first verse, Luke began singing and for some reason, my heart started pounding. I didn't understand why this was happening, because I felt a tiny amount of butterflies in my stomach when Calum was singing, but the moment Luke started singing, it was like the sky lit up and everything just became silent except for his voice. It was that beautiful and I tried to ignore that.

Luke kept singing and he put so much emotion into it which sort of killed me. It was almost as though he was singing about someone else who wasn't Michael and we all know he wasn't just singing about some girl like he was in the lyrics. It was hurting me though and I wasn't sure why. It was alright at first, until he went deep into the chorus and looked as though he was about to cry.

She sleeps alone.
My heart wants to come home.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.
She lies awake.
I'm trying to find the words to say.
I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

Another day and I'm somewhere new.
I made a promise that I'll come home soon.
Bring me back, bring me back to you.

Out of the corner of my eye, it felt like he was glancing at me but I tried the best I could to ignore it. Something strange was happening, because I know he wasn't looking at Michael. It was definetely me and that made my heart race.

A/N: Heyyyyaa! So I know these chapters are really short and I'm honestly trying to make them longer but I don't have a single bit of inspiration to keep it going. And yes, the video in this chapter is fetus and no they're not fetus in this story but that's how it was in this chapter except they'd look a bit older. I just love this video so much, it makes my heart melt because there's so much emotion in it. well yeah, thank you for reading and commenting and voting and i love you guys so much ok? sorry for the slow updates, ill try to update more, I've just been extremely busy. goodbye my little fritters, enjoy your day or night! :)

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