Chapter 12

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Michael suddenly stopped speaking, and it only made me tilt my head at him in confusion. He looked as though he was about to have a heart attack and that worried me, so I shook his shoulders slightly and repeatedly said his name until his eyes moved again.

"What do you mean you love him?" Michael alleged, his lip quivering slightly. Maybe it was him just being confused, because he didn't know that I was gay even though I am. I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him with pity.

"I said I think, not that I do. I'm not sure how I feel okay? Its just there, and when I look at him, I feel weird inside. Like, I can't explain it," I mumbled back while getting lost inside of my thoughts. I wasn't sure how I felt about Luke to be honest with you, because I knew there was always something there but I don't want to love him.

Michael looked hurt, and that only made me regret telling him how I feel about Luke. I sighed heavily and rested my head on top of his shoulder which made him stiffen a bit.

"You like Luke, don't you?"


"Do you like Luke?"

Michael let out a fake laugh and shook his head quickly. "No, not at all. I like someone else actually, but its obvious now that they don't feel the same way."

"So you don't like Luke?" I questioned, ignoring what Michael previously said, because this conversation doesn't need to become depressing.

He shook his head once again and fiddled with his fingers, but I could hear his heavy breathing out of anger. It scared me a bit, so I questioned him once again which only made him snap.

"Why do you keep asking methat? I said it once, I'm not going to say it again so stop." I didn't like the way he was speaking to me, so I just put my head down and waited for him to say something else.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I'm not into Luke at all, and you keep asking that and its upsetting me. I told you, I like someone else but you probably weren't listening when I said it. You li-love Luke, I get it, so go after him and stop taunting me."

I sighed once again then stood up, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Alright, so I guess this means that you won't mind if I ask him out."

He shrugged and began scrolling through his phone. "I don't, so go do it, I don't even care." I could tell that he cared because he obviously liked Luke but didn't want to admit it, but he doesn't like him as much as I do, which is why he doesn't mind.

I smiled to myself and closed Michael's door, then walked over to Luke's room. If it weren't for the talking I could hear down the hallway, I would be able to tell Luke how I feel. I peeked through his door and listened to their conversation, but Luke wasn't telling Ashton anything.

So, I awkwardly knocked on the door while thinking up something to say. I wasn't going to bring up how Michael kissed Luke, so I casually smiled and stepped inside.

"I'm hungry," I commented, then mentally cringed to myself because that wasn't what I planned on saying at all. They both furrowed eyebrows at me, but Ashton simply shook his head after.

"Calum, we are too but we're kind of in the middle of something."

I shrugged, then plopped myself down on the bed they were sitting on. "Don't care, let's order some Chinese."

Luke placed his hand over his face and Ashton glared at me. "You don't seem to care about anything lately," Ashton commented, and that only made me huff in silence.

"I do, I just can't help the fact that my stomach is grumbling."

"Alright fine, we will get Chinese. Just give us a few and go get Michael, okay?" Luke ordered, so I nodded and happily skipped towards Michael's door, but I didn't exactly feel happy. Maybe it was because I didn't get to tell Luke how I feel, but he'll find out eventually.

Just as I was about to knock on Michael's door, I heard the sounds of him strumming his fingers against his guitar and singing. I was always jealous of his voice, because it was so beautiful. Same with Luke's, I always felt like mine sucked compared to theirs. I listened closely to the song he was singing and I smiled when recognizing it as "Iris" by Goo Goo dolls. That song has never failed to make me happy.

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's meant to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I quietly opened the door to his room with a smile on my face, seeing that he had his earbuds in his ears and his head was pointed down at his guitar - his fingers still strumming the last of the keys. He looked up when he finished with widened eyes, then he quickly sat his guitar down and pretended to look at his phone again. I gave him a questioning look which only made him shrug his shoulders.

"Why did you do that?"

"I just don't feel comfortable with others hearing me sing soft songs. I'm supposed to be punk rock."

I chuckled slightly then walked up to him and handed him the guitar that he sat down. "Well maybe I like the soft side of you, so keep doing things like that, because it sounds beautiful." His cheeks flushed a bright red, so I smiled slightly then leaned against his wall, trying not to get my hair stuck in one of the tacks holding up his Green Day poster.


I nodded with a smile, then began walking out, but stopped myself before I could. "Right, we're getting Chinese for dinner and Luke told me to get you."


We ended up getting take out, which isn't what I was hoping for but it gave us more time to talk to eachother. Luke and Michael still weren't speaking, which annoyed me because the reason is stupid. I mean, you're not going to speak over a kiss? Like come on, I'm sure Michael didn't even mean to, plus Michael claims that he doesn't like Luke, when I know he does. He's just stalling and wants me to go after him instead by saying that he like's someone else.

Ashton didn't want us to go and eat in our rooms, since that's not something that best friends should do, so he suggested a movie. I was relieved when he said that, but nobody would decide on a movie, so Michael chose Spider-Man. I wasn't shocked that he did, because he does love Spidey after all. Luke put in the disc while I sat down on the couch, Michael sitting  on the end, then Ashton took the other end, so Luke sat between Ashton and I. It upset me that they wouldn't sit next to eachother, because we're all supposed to be like brothers, not just band members. We're supposed to bond and love eachother, not hate the guts of one another.

Michael wasn't smiling and pointing out his favorite points in the movie like usual. In fact, he didn't speak at all. Luke would usually join him when they talk about Spider-Man, but neither of them would say a word so I decided to take action.

"Look, Peter just kissed Gwen on a balcony. How cute is that?" I questioned, which only made some of them grumble. Well, it looks like I'm not any help.

We continued to watch the movie until it ended, and I sighed when seeing the time. It was only nine, which meant that everyone was going to go to their rooms and do whatever they please unless something comes up with the band. Since we aren't doing a tour and don't have anymore interviews to squeeze in, we have a lot of spare time.

"How about we go to a party?" I suggested, and it seemed like none of them were happy with the idea. "What kind of a party, and who would be hosting one at this hour?"

I chuckled. "Remember Anthony? He's hosting one at his house tomorrow. It starts at six and he invited me, so I thought we could all go, so what do you guys say?"

They all growled in annoyance, so I gave them the puppy face until they all agreed.

The party tomorrow was going to be a lot of fun, I could already see it.

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