Chapter 24

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I walked into the house with Luke, and right then and there, my heart dropped for Luke. Even if Ashton and I were in a fake relationship, it didn't mean I had feelings for him. I just couldn't like him and that was slightly a problem. I remember Luke's face though; he looked like his whole entire world fell apart and his heart just broke right then and there. Can you blame the boy for being upset though? He practically loved Michael, or at least it seemed that way.

I scowled a glare towards the both of them, then I instantly chased after the boy I like to cheer him up. Nobody deserves to be alone when they're sad even if they want to be. I grew up comforting people so I'm not just going to let him sob his life away. Luke slammed the door unfortunately, but that's not going to stop me. It's not like he locked it or anything. So, I knocked and waited patiently for his reply.

"Go away."

I shook my head and bit down on my lip. When people tell someone to leave them alone, it irritates me. I want to cheer him up, so I'm obviously not going to stop trying. It means I care which is a good thing. I'm not going to let him push me away when he needs someone there the most. "Luke, it's Calum."

I heard footsteps walking towards the door, then the door unlocked. I let out a breath of relief knowing that he was mad at them and not at me. After he opened it, I walked in and closed it behind me so Michael and Ashton wouldn't enter. Luke walked back to his bed with his head down and he fell down on it immediately and sighed into his pillow. This boy was crushed.

I walked up to him and took a seat on the edge of his bed so that he still had room to lay down without me getting in the way of that, He was sniffling but trying to hide it, so I placed my hand on his back and started rubbing small circles into it. I remember when I had my heartbroken, it's not a good feeling at all. It's like you're completely destroyed and you don't know when or if you're ever going to heal.

"I can't believe Michael would do this."

Luke sat up and sniffled slightly, then rubbed his eyes to make sure he didn't have any obvious tears in his eyes. I gave him a sympathetic look, then sighed sadly. "It's okay, Luke. Michael just wasn't the one for you, not every relationship is meant to last." I wasn't sure if I was helping or not but Luke was my best friend and he needed to hear the truth. "People get so attached to their significant other that they forget about possibilities of breakups. It happens to so many people. You're going to get your heart broken a million times before you actually find the one."

Luke nodded. "I know that, Calum. It's just that, Michael seemed so trustworthy and I didn't think he would go for Ashton. Especially after what I told him." I cocked an eyebrow at him to show him I was confused but to also show him I was listening and he could continue speaking.

"I just, I told him that I was in love with Ashton."


Luke chuckled sadly. "What other Ashton would I be talking about?" He had a point there but you also never know. I just couldn't believe what I was hearing though. This boy has had feelings for everyone officially except for me. Am I just that unlike-able? But I shouldn't be making this about me right now, I should be making this about Luke.

"You were in love with him?" I questioned out of curiosity, trying to avoid the sadness in my voice. "Unfortunately yes, and I still am. I wanted to make Ashton jealous and Michael wanted to make y-someone jealous, so we decided to go out. But we ended up catching feelings for each other so we kept our relationship going."

"But why?

"I don't know, it just kind of happened. But I'm not over Ashton. It's just really hard because I have feelings for both of them, yet I walk in and see the two of them kissing like their life depends on it." I chuckled out of annoyance and ran my fingers through my hair. "If it means anything, I don't think Michael enjoyed the kiss. He kind of looked disgusted."

"But Ashton didn't. And shouldn't you be upset? You guys are boyfriend and boyfriend."

I shook my head. "It was never real. We just did it because we also wanted to make you guys jealous. I can see that it didn't work, so we just kind of gave it up."

Luke smiled slightly but then instantly returned to frowning. "But who were you trying to make jealous?" I wasn't going to tell him that it was him, now wasn't the time to tell him. So I just lied and told him that it was Michael, which shocked him beyond measures. He squealed slightly but then covered his mouth. It was like he went from depressed to excited in a matter of seconds. "What?" I questioned.

"Because Michael was also trying to make you jealous. I ship you two, you both should go out."

"Oh, yeah, maybe one day." I wasn't all too happy about this. Michael has had feelings for me this whole entire time and he never had the nerve to tell me? What is this nonsense. I shook my head and felt myself becoming angry. We've all been witnessing a ton of lies and none of us even had a clue. I smiled at Luke and told him to cheer up, then I stood up and walked out. It was a fake smile obviously; because they kept this from both Ashton and I. Ashton deserves to know how Luke feels, but Luke also deserves to know how I feel. We all deserve to know how we all feel about one another, but at the moment, I don't want to acknowledge anyone.

So, I decided to take Ketchup for a walk and get some fresh air. It was what I needed anyway.


A/N: This is such a short chapter wow im sorry that there's so much dialogue xD I just kind of figured it was an important part of this story because it gives out so much. i may also give you guys a double update because this is my favorite story to write at the moment, so yeah! thanks for reading, commenting and voting if you do. i love you guys. byeeee <3

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